Rym Renom (Mamans & célèbre) talks about the values ​​she wants to pass on to her children

Today at 07:00 – by
Sorelle Again

On Thursday, June 27, on Instagram, Rym Renom spoke about the values ​​that are dear to her and that she wishes to pass on to her daughters.

For several weeks now, Rym Renom has demonstrated total transparency with its subscribers on Instagram. Indeed, the mother of Maria-Valentina and Alma regularly talks about the journey she has taken over the last few years and especially since she moved to Bali. From the development of her spirituality, to her reconnection with her own femininity through her role as a mother, the former participant of the show Moms & famous makes a point of being as transparent as possible and does not hesitate, whenever necessary, to take a break from her phone and social networks. This is what she recently did, in order to enjoy her rejuvenating trip to Mentawai.

Space Renom (Moms & famous): these values ​​that she wishes to pass on to her children

On Thursday, June 27, after summarizing her peaceful stay with friends in Mentawai, Rym addressed an essential theme that she called “the real life“. In an Instagram story, the mother of Maria-Valentina and Alma spoke about some of the values ​​she wants to instill in her daughters.”I want to show my daughters that life is based on love, work, the sea, food, meeting people and [que rien ne sert] to live for others or [de] invent a life to impress” she said. Before sharing her vision for education: “For me, the most important thing […] it is to show that the best way to be happy is to listen to yourself and live as you really want.

Space Renom (Moms & famous) shares his recipe for happiness and tranquility

This stay in Mentawai, like all those made so far, allowed Rym to further anchor her beliefs and to define a little more her vision of happiness.What makes me happy is the simplicity of things: seeing that the people around me are happy makes me happy too. This is what I felt here [à Mentawai, NDLR]We are happy because we have what we love most: the sea and simplicity.” she simply summed up.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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