OrangeLayer: When the genius of Ethereum lands on Bitcoin

OrangeLayer: When the genius of Ethereum lands on Bitcoin
OrangeLayer: When the genius of Ethereum lands on Bitcoin

With the appearance ofEigenLayer and 2023the concept of retaking has revolutionized the crypto world. Alternative or complementary protocols have emerged, each bringing unique innovations. However, these systems remain complex for many investors. Today, we will explore this phenomenon and introduce you to OrangeLayer, a pioneering project in the field of Bitcoin retaking.

What is retaking on OrangeLayer?

The restaking allows to use a crypto asset already in stake to secure multiple networks or applications simultaneously, increasing potential revenue at the cost of increased risk. This is similar to ancient legal practices such as multiple hypothecation. In cryptocurrencies, restaking maximizes the economic security of a network, which is essential for proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW).

OrangeLayer stands out by applying the restaking sur Bitcoinintegrating not only native bitcoins, but also wrapped bitcoins on chains like Ethereum, STX, Cosmos, and Polkadot. This approach aims to maximize the use of the economic security of the Bitcoin network, facilitating the development of decentralized finance.

The protocol is based on several smart contracts:

  • Staking Pool Manager : Manages staking assets.
  • Delegation Manager : Manages consensus and block validation.
  • Slashing Manager : Penalizes participants who do not respect the rules.
  • Guardrail Manager : Ensures the security of the various Bitcoin modules.

OrangeLayer opens new perspectives for retaking and also for the Bitcoin blockchain, offering opportunities for both investors and developers. To learn more and participate, visit their site via the links in the video description. Enjoy watching!



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