Lucile (Love is in the Meadow) “tired” and exhausted, a mother of 2 children under the weight of everyday life

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Sight… Louise Martin is a TV addict who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Meilleur Pâtissier… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks hold no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little pleasure cou

Former face of “L’amour est dans le pré” on M6, Lucile has become the mother of two children, who are the fruit of her romance with Jérôme. The former contender of the program played by Karine Le Marchand spoke about her busy daily life with “Gala” and spoiler: she is a mother like any other.

Lucile (Love is in the Meadow) “tired” and exhausted, a mother of 2 children under the weight of everyday life

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Launched for the first time on M6 in 2005, the show called Love is in the meadow quickly established itself as one of the channel’s unmissable events, in the same way as Top Chef, Beijing Expressor even France has an unbelievable talent. In this program, various farmers in search of their soul mate meet several suitors. Over the seasons, Love is in the meadow has allowed many couples to form. While some unfortunately did not last long, others seem solid, to the point of starting a family. This is particularly the case for Jérôme and Lucile. For the record, Jérôme was one of the farmers featured in the 15th season of Love is in the meadow on M6. For her part, Lucile was one of his suitors.

The complicity between the two lovebirds quickly burst onto the screen. In the end, they both got married, before starting a family with their two children. A girl named Capucine in 2021, her little brother Adonis expanded the clan last year. Since his time in Love is in the meadow, Lucile has made it a habit to share her daily life with her subscribers on Instagram. Obviously, she regularly publishes photos of her husband and their children on the social network. However, raising two young children is not easy, as she told the magazine Gala Friday, June 28, 2024.Sometimes, like all mothers, I’m tired and fed up. It’s still a big mental load. I didn’t realize it was this energy-draining having two kids at home full time. But like every mom, I do what I can.“, explained Lucile.

Love is in the meadow: no third child for Jérôme and Lucile

“As soon as they take a nap, I take the opportunity to work. I don’t have time to be bored. The days never end.”, she also added. Despite all this, Lucile absolutely does not regret having founded this family with Jérôme. “It’s a lot of happiness“, she assured. However, the couple does not seem not wanting a third child for the moment. “It’s not in our plans, no, at the risk of disappointing many people.“, Lucile said. “The four of us are good. You know, it’s not enough to make them, then you have to raise them. We want the best for Capucine and Adonis. And from our point of view, with society and life in our time, two children is good.”she then clarified by way of conclusion.



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