This alternate ending changed everything for this character

This alternate ending changed everything for this character
This alternate ending changed everything for this character

At the end of season 3 of The Bridgerton Chronicleone of the characters suffered a sad fate. An alternative conclusion had however been filmed by the Netflix production. What fate could have been reserved for him?

Season 3 of The Bridgerton Chronicles is already over, much to the regret of Netflix subscribers. The streaming platform had taken care to broadcast this new burst of episodes in two parts, a good way to prolong the pleasure. Viewers now know that the lovely friendship between Colin and Penelope has already transformed into a beautiful love story. Unfortunately, not all the protagonists of London’s high society have had such a beautiful destiny, like Cressida Cowper. After trying to blackmail Penelope and Colin, she was sentenced to exile. Its interpreter Jessica Madsen, as well as the showrunner of the series Jess Brownell, nevertheless reveals thatan alternative ending was filmed for Cressida.

The Bridgerton Chronicle : what is the alternate ending filmed for Cressida Cowper?

Jessica Madsen, who recently came out, revealed to Entertainment Weekly the existence of an alternative ending for his character. Instead of being resigned to going to live with her aunt Joanna, very far from London life, she was finally saved there by her mother, Lady Cowper : “We shot an alternate ending where her mother gets in the car at the end and so she chooses her daughter. I don’t know if she goes to her aunt’s house because we don’t actually see her aunt in the car.” Why didn’t Jess Brownell and the rest of the teams ultimately keep this sequence?

Can we expect to see Cressida Cowper in season 4 of The Bridgerton Chronicles ?

If Jess Brownell and Shonda Rhimes found this moment “really beautiful”, Both women considered that “It felt like an end point for Cressida.” “It felt like it wrapped up her story and we intentionally wanted to leave it that way so we could tell a little more about Cressida next season.” added the director to Entertainment Weekly. What to suppose that The Bridgerton Chronicle isn’t done with this young woman who doesn’t mince her words! So, will Cressida be back in season 4 of Bridgerton ? To be continued.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias



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