Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) ready to get back together: he has conditions for his future darling, and it is non-negotiable

Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) ready to get back together: he has conditions for his future darling, and it is non-negotiable
Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) ready to get back together: he has conditions for his future darling, and it is non-negotiable

The life of Mathieu was changed for the better on May 28, when her son, her first child, was born. It was in Colombia that the baby named Ezio showed up following a surrogacy. And it is alone that the candidate of Love is in the meadow 2020 intends to raise it. Indeed, if Mathieu initially planned to have a child with his ex-husband Alexandre, whom he met on the M6 ​​show, the farmer continued his efforts alone after their separation. The adventure took him to Colombia where he met Ezio’s surrogate mother.

Since becoming a father, Mathieu has been a fulfilled man in every way – despite some fears due to his illness. But is he now thinking about finding love again? For Gala, the bull breeder in Camargue provided some answers. “Of course“, he first assured. And added: “The heart is a muscle that grows infinitely, so this is not a problem“.

Mathieu open to love but not with just anyone

Getting back into a relationship doesn’t scare Mathieu, but on the other hand, not with just anyone! Indeed, his next Jules will have to tick certain boxes, and not the least. “Someone who won’t bother me“, he first let slip in all frankness. But above all, someone who will love his son without imposing himself in his education. Because Mathieu will not stand for that!”The first guy who tells me how to raise Ezio, he walks out the door. It’s clear and clear. There will be room for someone who has independence“, he warned, categorically.

For now, the godfather of Lucile and Jérôme’s children is however focused on little Ezio who inevitably takes a lot of energy from him. “I have to take care of him, I have to do all the steps for the passport so it’s physical with all my business aside. And then the coconut, he wakes up a lot at night because he likes to eat at night! I expected the hurricane of love but I was very far from imagining what it was going to be. We can prepare as we want, we can’t imagine what happens to us when we hold our baby in our arms“, he confided after his birth. Still currently in Colombia, father and son should return to France within a few days to truly begin their new life.



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