Mélody is arrested and brought before the judge, and Violette makes a statement to Jordan (Complete summary of episode 1719)

“Tomorrow We Belong” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 1719 of Tuesday July 2, 2024 – In this new episode which will be broadcast next Tuesday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, Mélody is arrested and brought before the judge.

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The previous summary of Tomorrow Belongs to Us from Monday July 1, 2024 from News Actual is also online.

Also find DNA spoilers until July 12, 2024. Good reading.

Tomorrow Belongs to Us: Summary of the episode of July 2, 2024

Marianne gets involved in Diego’s affairs of the heart

Early in the morning, Diego irons some laundry, because it was starting to pile up. Marianne, surprised, can’t help but tease him. Then, she encourages him to take full advantage of the vacation. Subtly, she asks him questions about his friends. This is how Marianne discovers that Diego has a complicated relationship with Maud Meffre, the prosecutor’s granddaughter.

A few minutes, she goes to Spoon and meets Sébastien Perraud. After hearing from Igor Belinski, she questions Sébastien about Maud and asks him what she is going to do as a study. Sébastien replies that his granddaughter is going to study law like him and Raphaëlle. He doesn’t hide how proud he is of her. Marianne then invites Sébastien to come and have an aperitif at Chloé’s the next evening and asks him to take Maud. Raphaëlle’s father accepts. Sébastien subsequently finds Maud and conveys Marianne’s invitation to her. The girl is surprised that she didn’t invite the whole family. But when she learns that Diego will be present, she agrees to go to the Delcourts.

Lilou takes Violette at her word

At the hut, Violette enjoys an ice cream before lunch. She confides in Charles that she misses Jordan and that she compensates by eating sugar. Lilou heard part of their conversation. Later, she meets Lizzie and Jordan and tells the latter that he missed Violette. She adds that she heard him tell his brother that she was missing him. Lilou has the impression that Violette’s weaning is not going very well. Worried, Jordan later goes to Violette and tells her that he knows she is still missing her. Then he gives him his support. Violette confides to Jordan that Lilou misinterpreted her words. She then clarifies that she was missing, but of him, because they haven’t crossed paths since the end of classes. Jordan is uncomfortable.

Back home, Jordan tells Lizzie about his discussion with Violette. He then confides to her that he was taken by surprise by her statement and that he did not know how to react. Lizzie points out that he could have kissed her. Jordan defends himself by explaining that he prefers to wait until she feels better. But Lizzie thinks that her brother is especially afraid of falling in love again and encourages him to act, because Violette is not going to wait for him indefinitely.

Mélody goes to prison

At the start of the morning, Mélody sees the stone of her ring placed on the work surface. Georges explains to his partner that she cannot get it back because he has to put it back in the seals. Then, he specifies that it was found in John Kovac’s garage. Georges adds that he didn’t know they knew each other. Mélody replies that they didn’t really know each other and that John was simply her mechanic. Besides, she thinks she lost her stone when she went to have the car repaired two or three weeks ago. Then, Mélody leaves to give a sports lesson to Mona. Once Mélody leaves, Georges takes the glass she had just drunk from and puts it in a freezer bag.

At the police station, Georges confides to Martin that Mélody lied to his face about her relationship with John. Martin is doubtful and emphasizes that the exchanges found between Mélody and John were not very equivocal either. As for the stone found in the garage, it would not be impossible according to him that John had not swept the broom for a long time. Then, he tells Georges that he does not have any concrete information to question Mélody. So, Georges takes out the glass that Mélody used this morning and suggests comparing his prints with those found in John’s garage. Martin advises him to withdraw from the investigation for a while, but Georges refuses, he wants to see it through to the end. Martin fears that this whole affair will remind him of Vanessa if Mélody is involved in the double homicide, but Georges reassures him by telling him that he has toughened up. Besides, he needs to know the truth. Martin appears understanding.

Meanwhile, Bastien is at Audrey’s. She informs him that his father had funeral insurance. She contacted them and they explained all the steps to take. Audrey then explains to Bastien that everything is taken care of and offers to take care of the administrative formalities. However, it is necessary to go to the funeral home to choose the coffin. Bastien prefers to leave this task to him. Audrey specifies that she spoke to Benjamin on the phone and that even from a distance, he supports her. Bastien then confides to Audrey that he does not understand why his father was attacked when he was a kind person and ready to be of service to everyone. In his eyes, he didn’t deserve such a tragic end. Then Bastien burst into tears. Audrey comforts him.

At the police station, Damien confirms to Georges that Mélody’s fingerprints match those found in John Kovac’s garage as well as at his home. He then specifies that his prints were also found on the sleeve of the jacket that Kovac was wearing when he was killed. Georges is dismayed.

While Mélody is giving Mona a workout, Sara comes to pick her up to question her. At the police station, Sara questions Mélody about her relationship with John Kovac. Mélody claims that he was simply her mechanic. Sara informs him that her prints were found in John’s garage, at his home and on his jacket the day he died. Then, Sara asks Mélody why they found messages in John Kovac’s phone that she wrote to him the days before his death. Mélody then claims to have had a brief relationship with John upon his arrival in Sète. Sara points out that she wanted to see him the day he died and asks him what she wanted to tell him. Mélody claims she no longer remembers it. Sara hypothesizes that Mélody would have gone to John’s garage, that the latter would have rejected her advances and that she would have felt humiliated. She thinks that Mélody could not have tolerated John having an affair with another woman, that she would have killed them both out of jealousy, that then she would have knocked out Audrey when she arrived and made a little set-up so that John Kovac appears to be the murderer who committed suicide. Mélody, with tears in her eyes, remains silent. Behind the one-way window, Martin and Georges follow the interrogation. In Georges’ eyes, all the elements overwhelm Mélody and he thinks she is guilty. For her part, Sara informs Mélody that she is being taken into custody for the homicides of John Kovac and Clarisse Belinski.

A little later, Martin receives Igor and Sébastien. He announces to Igor that they have found Clarisse’s murderer, that she will be presented before a judge and placed in pre-trial detention. Igor feels guilty and thinks that he could have prevented this tragedy. If he had loved his wife better, she would not have been interested in John Kovac and would not have died. Martin emphasizes that the only one responsible is Mélody and that she will have to pay the price.

Georges, for his part, goes to see Mélody in her custody cell. He informs her that she will be brought before the judge. Then he adds: “I don’t know what shocks me the most. Whether you killed two people or made fun of me by living a double life.” Mélody promises her companion that she does not have a double life. But Georges doesn’t believe her. He then laments trusting her and falling in love with her. An officer then arrives to handcuff Mélody. The latter gives Georges a desperate look before getting into the prison van.

Find “Tomorrow belongs to us” from Monday to Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, but also in streaming and replay on the TF1+ platform.



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