“With The Angels of Reality TV, we were already in a handicap”, the former producer of the show tackles Nabilla

“With The Angels of Reality TV, we were already in a handicap”, the former producer of the show tackles Nabilla
“With The Angels of Reality TV, we were already in a handicap”, the former producer of the show tackles Nabilla

Guest of Buzz TV, Jeremy Michalak came to promote his latest show Lucy in Australia. L’former producer of the Reality TV Angels has in fact changed register since he sold his production company to Arthur. He now films his adventures around the world alongside Lucie Carrasco, a disabled woman. Moreover, during this interview, Jérémy Michalak drew a parallel between disability and its former reality TV protégés. Nabilla must have appreciated…

Jérémy Michalak and stylist Lucie Carrasco have already traveled to the United States, Brazil and Canada. The duo works partly thanks to the fact that the young woman, forced to move to a motorized chair because of his disability, shows a unique and positive image people with disabilities. “I think she is unique and deserves to have her story told”he explains.

Jérémy Michalak sends a pick to Nabilla

Building on this success, the producer imagined a new program combining, this time, humor and disability. Naturally, the presenter Damien Canivez wanted to know if Lucie Carrasco was part of the project which will be broadcast on the Comédie and C8 channels. The response from Laurent Ruquier’s former acolyte was not long in coming, distributing a few stray bullets in passing.

“She’s in it, she’s interviewed in it… with The Angels of Reality TV, we were already a little handicapped…Somewhere, we were already in there, with Nabilla… », he said in complete relaxation. This little dedication in the form of a tackle, coming out of nowhere, must certainly have pleased the main party…

Jérémy Michalak’s new project

After this “humorous” outing, the 43-year-old also spoke about his other project. This time it will not be focused on disability, but rather on racism. Jérémy Michalak has indeed heard of a recent story in which surfers of African origin were attacked by white surfers.

“They took board shots in the facethe next day there were demonstrations for white supremacism in the style “no black people in the water” », he said. The results of his investigation will be the subject of a documentary series broadcast on France 5.



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