Léo (Secret Story 2024) opens up about his bisexuality

Léo (Secret Story 2024) opens up about his bisexuality
Léo (Secret Story 2024) opens up about his bisexuality

With Lou, he formed one of the most close-knit pairs of the season. At the end of a final which ended around 2:30 a.m. this Tuesday June 18 on TF1, Léo reaches third place in Secret Story 2024. An edition which was won by Alexis, the only survivor of the clan of Charlène and Francesca. Rather discreet in the adventure, the 22-year-old from Toulouse will not have been unworthy in keeping his secret “We are not twins” for several weeks and discovering that of Maxence and Perrine, the “House Thieves”. A feat which allows him to leave with a prize pool of 15,870 euros. His participation in the show, his relationship with his “sister”his plans for the post-Secret Story... He confided in Tele-Leisure.

Leo on Alexis’ victory in Secret Story 2024 : “He had a second half of adventure that was much more authentic”

Tele-Leisure : What state of mind are you in after this final?
Leo :
I land, it’s incredible what’s happening. We had a drink with the other locals after the evening but I didn’t stay too long. I wanted to enjoy my family who I hadn’t seen for two and a half months. These are only positive emotions.

You weren’t disappointed not to win Secret Story ?
It’s not that I didn’t believe in myself, but I suspected a Lou-Alexis duel. Compared to his early sacrifices (she chose to be nominated after a voice dilemma, editor’s note), there was a good chance that Lou would win. And Alexis really has a much more authentic second half of adventure, notably through his relationship with Zoé… He must have touched people. I’m already extremely proud to have made it to the final, I validated the biggest prize pool so, for me, the adventure is already won.

How were you approached to participate?
I received a little message on Instagram from a cast member. I was immediately super excited about the idea of ​​telling myself that I was going to do Secret Story. It’s a show that I watched when I was little. I was excited by the game aspect and the fact of living a human adventure. But there wasn’t a moment when I thought I was going to be caught. I experienced the casting process in a fairly detached way.

You said that you could fall in love in your portrait at the start of your adventure. Did you have an attraction to one or another resident?
I had a big crush on Zoé, we liked to compliment each other, tease each other (laughs). More seriously, I was more into my game, into my friendships and into protecting my secret.

You still said having kissed all the girls in the house
It’s with my closest friends: Pépette (Perrine, editor’s note)Lou, Justine… It’s good-natured and it’s more for fun.

From the start of the adventure, you addressed your bisexuality. Did you hesitate before talking about it?
It didn’t even occur to me. I’m super comfortable with it in my everyday life, I talked about it on the networks, so there was never a moment when I told myself that I had to hide it. By saying it, I knew that there would be no problem and that it would not be more highlighted because I understood that I had been taken for my personality above all.

Léo returns to his estrangement from Lou in Secret Story 2024 : “It hurt us”

Your adventure was marked by your brotherly relationship with Lou. Do you think you would have been as close if you hadn’t shared a secret in common?
It sped things up, because we both found ourselves having to talk about our respective lives in secret for our secret. But in any case, we would have gotten 1000% closer in this adventure. We had our delusions, we didn’t stop hitting each other. We’re different because she has a bigger mouth, and I’m a little more calm. But in the end, we are complementary.

At one point you distanced yourself from Lou, saying that you felt like you were being oppressed. What was wrong?
We needed to clarify our entire adventure and get back on better footing. I really wanted us to affirm each other, even if we loved each other very much. JI realized that we were becoming a little sectarian with our clan, and I also really wanted to get to know the other inhabitants. This is what allowed me to get closer to Justine and Alexis at the end. It hurt us at first but it was a blessing in disguise because it bonded us even more.

Do you regret the formation of clans during the adventure?
In terms of strategy, we had no choice becausethey said they were outnumbered (the clan of Charlène and Francesca, editor’s note) and that they were going to blow us up one by one. In terms of atmosphere, we had a blast. We didn’t need everyone in this house to get into trouble so I don’t regret it at all.

Do you plan to stay as close to Lou?
I have no doubt about it. I know that with Lou, we will see each other again. She is in Marseille, so perhaps it will be a little more complicated to see her more often than Perrine or Justine who are in Paris, but we will go back and forth. I already met his mother yesterday, she met my real sister. This is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Now that you have finished your studies, what are your plans?
I’m thinking about getting into comedy. Thanks to this adventure, I will really make sure to work harder to give myself the means to succeed.



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