“Mask Singer”, the show with hallucinatory inventiveness where the stars hide in hippopotamus or giant popcorn costumes


Chantal Goya disguised as a popcorn box, in season 6 of the show “Mask Singer”, presented by Camille Combal. LAURENT VU / TF1

DFirst, amazement. Wait, what’s this giant pickle dressed in white boxer shorts with pink hearts that wiggles on Here we go…, this Nâdiya hit from twenty years ago? Um, now there’s a sort of Grendizer robot controlled by a stuffed rabbit with carrot claws on its shoulders, who sings the theme songs of Tanned people go skiing with a falsetto voice… And everyone seems to find that normal! ?

We could be told that “Mask Singer” has been on the air on TF1 for six years and that it was time to discover the mind-blowing (or hallucinatory) inventiveness of the costumes into which (pseudo) people slip. celebrities to sing along while trying not to be unmasked by other (pseudo)celebrities who “conduct the investigation” (Laurent Ruquier, Inès Reg, Chantal Ladesou and Kev Adams this year).

With its disguises of a hippopotamus in a pink tutu or a giant hand like “The Thing” from the Addams Family, the French version of this program pushes costume creativity even further than its big American sister (in which we can see the arms and legs of the candidates) and even as the original South Korean version, surprisingly much more sober on the accoutrements.

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Then a voice sounds familiar, so we pause with a thumbs up on the remote. Damn, but I know her, this singer who takes over There is joy hidden in a giant popcorn box! We stay a little longer to get other clues and, that’s it, we have moved into the“musical investigation” and soon we too find ourselves proclaiming that “it’s obviously Jean-Pierre Foucault in the afro hamster! » Well no, it was Jacques Legros, the joker presenter of “1 p.m.” on TF1. Small disappointment.

Ribambelle of disheveled septuagenarians

This is a bit like the general principle: as absolutely anyone can hide in a costume (actor, sportsman, chef, comedian, etc.), we always want to imagine that it is a question of Celine Dion, when it’s actually Larusso.

The fact remains that it is still quite improbable to have former ministers sing in a duck or lion costume (David Douillet, season 1 and Laura Flessel, season 5), an Olympic champion as a hermit crab (Alain Bernard, season 3), a famous singer as a jellyfish (Liane Foly, season 2) or even a renowned theater actor as a pharaoh (Francis Huster, season 4). Note that the record for improbability remains held by the American version which surprised everyone in 2022 when out of a multicolored bird came… Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York and lawyer for Donald Trump.

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