Jasmine fired from the institute, Kelly reinstated, Teyssier discovers who is behind the Bleupré fire… The summary of the episode of Friday May 24, 2024

Jasmine fired from the institute, Kelly reinstated, Teyssier discovers who is behind the Bleupré fire… The summary of the episode of Friday May 24, 2024
Jasmine fired from the institute, Kelly reinstated, Teyssier discovers who is behind the Bleupré fire… The summary of the episode of Friday May 24, 2024

Today at 6:55 p.m. – by
Stephanie GORLIN

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In the episode ofHere it all begins from Friday May 24… If she knows nothing about social conventions, Alice wants to tell Stanislas not to hope that his wife comes out of a coma. Hortense helps him prepare his speech. For her part, Livio tries to get Tom to confess to Billie’s responsibility in the events against Cardone. But Tom doesn’t get fooled and continues to protect his ex: he explains to Livio that he tried to kiss Billie but she violently rejected him. Livio seems to believe Tom. Later, Billie goes to thank Tom in a way he didn’t expect…

Here it all begins in advance: Zacharie admits that Cardone is behind the Breton misadventures of Kelly and his brigade

Teyssier threatens Landiras to reveal his schemes to Laetitia. Zacharie explains that Cardone found out he was seeing his ex again and blackmailed him. In order to preserve her secret, he agreed to do what she asked. “I knew you were a dark shit but honestly you outdid yourself.” Teyssier will not say anything to Laetitia because what he wants is to bring down Cardone: “I’ll give you 24 hours to bring me a file on her. Otherwise I’ll throw you out,” he promises Zacharie.
Back home, Teyssier reveals to Kelly and Salomé that he knows that Cardonne is behind all their Breton misadventures without saying that Landiras is in on it. He obviously does not intend to stop there and asks the two young women to keep it a secret and promises them that he will “handle” this matter.

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Here it all begins in advance: Jasmine, fired from the Institute

Kelly apologizes for the accusations against Jim and reveals to him that Cardone was behind the scheme. Jasmine’s blood only goes around. She wants to tell the new director her truth, but her friends hold her back. She has nothing to lose since she will soon be fired. Kelly thinks it’s better to keep a low profile and explains to them that Teyssier has a plan to send her back to her home in Lille but doesn’t know more at the moment.
Kelly then prepares to see Cardone in his office. She is supported by Salomé and Maya but also by all the students of the Institute, proud of her progress in the Coupe de France. And it is under thunderous applause that chef Rigaud, trophy in hand, heads towards Cardone’s office. But this one falls on Jasmine first: “I can know what you’re still doing here. I thought you would be too ashamed to come back here after such a failure.” Jasmine and Jim point out that they still made it to the final. Cardone agrees to let her stay at the Institute on the condition that she apologizes for not having lived up to his expectations. “You don’t want me to bow down at your feet either,” Jasmine asks, quite irritated.
Instead of apologies, Jasmine empties her bag. If she had compassion when her son no longer wanted to talk to her, today she understands: “You deserve everything that happens to you!” she says to Cardone who, unsurprisingly, fires her on the spot. Jasmine goes to tell this event to Teyssier, who accuses her of having provoked Cardone. He wished she’d wait until she graduated. “You toiled for three years all this only to give up ten meters from the finish line!” But Jasmine has no intention of giving up everything: “I don’t have a plan, but you better have one because I’m betting everything on that.”

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Here it all begins in advance: Cardone planned the Bleupré fire

When Kelly arrives in Cardone’s office, it is to negotiate his reinstatement and that of his brigade at the Institute. In a position of strength, Kelly also asks that Jasmine not be fired but Cardone tells her that Jasmine has decided to leave the Institute of her own free will.
After that, Cardone finds Landiras and pulls his straps up. However, he manages to make her talk. After their conversation, Landiras goes to Teyssier to report his discoveries. Teyssier tells him that he knows that his ex is pregnant… probably by him in fact. Landiras admits to not having broken up. : he is not only in love with his ex but also with Laetitia. He makes Teyssier promise not to say anything about this unborn child. In exchange he reveals to her what he learned about the director of the Institute: “The Bleupré fire wasn’t an accident, it was Cardone. It was part of his plan to fire you.” But the director didn’t get her hands dirty, she sent someone to do it for her. It would probably be a student…

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NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)