Mickaël the Breton farmer tells behind the scenes of the filming

Mickaël the Breton farmer tells behind the scenes of the filming
Mickaël the Breton farmer tells behind the scenes of the filming


Ronan Houssin

Published on

Oct 20, 2024 at 2:13 p.m.

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Dairy cow breeder in the Côtes-d’Armor and domiciled in the MorbihanMickaël Jégouic is one of the farmers of the 19e season of Love is in the meadow.

At 56, the father of two grown children, Aristide and Esmeralda, participates in the show broadcast on M6 with one goal in mind: to find love. Meeting with a farmer who has his own little habits in shops in Ploërmel.

What place does agriculture have in your life?

I took over a farm in Illifaut, my native town, in 1993. I am a partner with my brother and today, we have four employees. Taking care of the business takes up a lot of my time and leaves me little time to go out.

In the show, you are presented as a “dandy”. The image that emerges from the show, is that you?

Yes, I like to be well dressed. The image we project is important to me.

You have been registered for L’Amour est dans le pré by your children. What was your reaction?

They had already talked about it two years ago, but I didn’t think they would take the plunge one day. When I learned that they had made the decision to enroll me, it came as a surprise.

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I said to myself, “Today, why not try the adventure. I only have one thing to gain: finding love. »

When you become a widower, it marks your life.

Mickaël, candidate of Love is in the meadow

Were you watching the show before participating in it?

I looked at the portraits, but afterward, I no longer followed. I wasn’t diligent.

How did filming the portrait with Karine Le Marchand go? Was this your first time in front of a camera?

The last time I was in front of a camera was at school. When I received Karine Le Marchand on my farm and in my house, it was a lot of emotion. I was very moved. But, it went very well.

Karine is a very open person and she knows how to put people at ease. As soon as she arrived, she gave me a kiss and introduced the familiarity.

For the portrait shoot in October 2023, they arrived with four vehicles. There were fourteen people with Karine Le Marchand, it was strange to receive so many people. I spent the whole day with Karine, we had lunch together.

What were your feelings when the portrait was broadcast? How did you find yourself?

I discovered my portrait at the same time as the television broadcast. I found my whole personality again, and that was very important to me. You should know that filming the portrait is the most difficult part of the show.

Who do you watch the episodes with?

I watched the portrait broadcast with friends. The other episodes, I watch them with my family.

We are in the secret. We learn to control our emotions.

Following the distribution of the portrait, did you receive a lot of letters?

After the sorting carried out by the production teams, I received 25 letters at my home, but I know that many others were addressed to me. I got some straight to my home too.

To make my choice, I based myself on my criteria. I was looking for someone sunny and tender with a bit of character. Preferably, I wanted someone fairly tall. I also wanted to feel some sensitivity.

You went to for speed dating. How did you organize yourself on your farm during your absence?

The advantage of being installed in GAEC allowed me to free myself. The employees helped manage my absence. You should know that I had already gone to Paris for a day before filming the speed dating to answer a questionnaire and meet a psychologist, a lawyer…

Can you tell us about the speed dating stage?

It took me two days to recover. Speed ​​dating is very complicated. I found myself in front of my seven suitors. Making a choice was not easy.

When I saw Nadia, it was an important moment and a complicated passage. I was a little unsettled. I told myself that this was really the person I was looking for. When I rewatched speed dating, I realized that I was eating his words.

How did you prepare to welcome Nadia and Rozenn into your home?

I did my best to prepare the rooms, the activities, the meals… I wanted my house to be clean and my farm to be tidy. You have to prepare to receive two people you don’t know.

I didn’t want war and create discord. I wanted to share things as much as possible with my suitors, two very good women. We spent three days together with one evening.

When we film a scene, it sometimes takes 2 – 2.5 hours of filming.

Since the beginning, have you felt a certain notoriety? Do people come up to you in the street?

Indeed, I feel notoriety. People come up to me, but there is always a certain respect, a kindness. What makes me happy is seeing people happy.

People who didn’t necessarily watch the show congratulate me for my courage and for the beautiful image of the agricultural world that I convey.

Is filming finished today? Do you have any regrets about participating in this show?

Yes, filming has been completed since September. Everything is recorded.

I have no regrets about being on the show. It was nothing but pleasure. My children don’t regret signing me up either.

What do you remember from this experience?

Doing a show like this allowed me to discover a world that I didn’t know. I discovered the profession of journalist, the world of television and cinema.

Participating in a show like this is not trivial.

Are you in contact with the other farmers of the season?

We are all connected and we talk regularly, there is good understanding between us. But the schedule doesn’t necessarily allow us to see each other.

We are twelve farmers with different techniques who operate in different areas and regions.

A word for your children?

I thank them for registering me. It’s very nice of them, it’s a nice thank you for all the love I gave them. »

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