“We had to endure the heat and the humidity”, Anne Décis recounts the difficulties encountered on the set of the new 3 film

“We had to endure the heat and the humidity”, Anne Décis recounts the difficulties encountered on the set of the new 3 film
“We had to endure the heat and the humidity”, Anne Décis recounts the difficulties encountered on the set of the new France 3 TV film

3 broadcasts this Saturday October 19, 2024, from 9:05 p.m., the film The ghost of the (Our opinion). In the casting of this new fiction: Anne Décis, well known to many fans of More beautiful life, even more beautiful (TF1) and Denis Maréchal. The two actors slip with talent into the skin of captains Gaëlle Boissaux and Ludovic Augustin. Two police officers, ex-lovers, who meet again during a complex investigation. The opportunity for an interview with the star actress of the First Channel soap opera Marseillais.

Anne Décis (The Ghost of the Saintes): “It was great to play a police captain”

In The ghost of the Saintesyou play a police captain, a very different role from that of Luna Torres in More beautiful life, even more beautiful. Does this make you feel good?Oh yes. To be honest, I don’t think any actor could tell you the opposite! That’s what’s great about our job. We have a huge chance to be able to do different things. And there, it was great to play a police captain, even if I admit that she is not very cheerful… (She laughs)

By coincidence of programming, you are a prisoner on TF1 and a police officer on France 3…
It’s funny! This clearly demonstrates the opposition between my character of More beautiful life et The ghost of the Saintes. I have lots of friends who tell me: we can see you in prison and at the same time maintain order. The programming does things well.

Do you communicate regularly with your fans on social networks?
It’s not always easy. As an actress, I have to protect myself. However, to see that the public of More beautiful life, even more beautiful is always so faithful and that he supports us in everything we do, whether on screen or in the theater, I find that great.

Between More beautiful life, even more beautiful et The ghost of the Sainteshow did you manage to reconcile these two television projects?
When I filmed in The ghost of Sainteswe had not yet resumed filming More beautiful life, even more beautiful. So, it was okay! Then, even if I have a recurring character in a soap opera, I allow myself to wander around and explore new projects. I really feel free. So, I have no problem switching and doing several projects at the same time…

Anne Decis (The ghost of the Saintes) : “I have a preference for villain roles”

You play the character of Captain Gaëlle Boisseau. Is this the first time you play a police captain?
Absolutely. The police roles are emblematic! Afterwards, I have a preference for villain roles. I generally find it much more interesting because there are more complexities, more cascades… And above all because we are even further from ourselves!

How did you experience filming the TV movie? The ghost of the Saintes ?
Alright. We spent the first fifteen days in Les Saintes and the last fifteen days in Grande-Terre. We spent a month in Guadeloupe. Can you imagine? It was truly idyllic. Plus, when we left for the island, we were a little out of season. We were alone on the island with the locals!

What reception did they give you?
It was great! We established links with the fishermen of the island who were also involved. We met in the evening at the bar and the restaurant. It was magical to shoot in such an idyllic and heavenly setting. It’s a chance that doesn’t come around often in one’s life…

Didn’t you encounter any difficulties there?
There were a few tourists in swimsuits! During that time, we were in shirts, T-shirts, pants, sneakers and socks. We weren’t there to sunbathe. Sometimes it was complicated. We had to endure the heat, the humidity and waking up at dawn. Indeed, night falls early there… But we managed to acclimatize.

How did you manage being away from your children?
Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be able to bring my daughters to the set of the TV movie. They came on vacation for a week. It was great. I am delighted to have been able to share this experience with my daughters… Because a month without seeing my children is not easy. It’s even too hard!

Do your daughters want to become actresses?
No, I don’t think so. They know the environment well. They have a keen eye on this profession. However, I believe that my older daughter really wants to evolve in this environment… But rather behind the camera. We’ll see if the future proves me right.



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