Transmania, the event book against gender ideology!

Transmania, the event book against gender ideology!
Transmania, the event book against gender ideology!

Click on the image to discover the presentation of the book on the publisher’s website

The two authors carried out a thorough investigation, despite the incredible pressures that they had to face for years.

And their book hit the headlines as soon as it was released: complaints for “transphobia”, death threats against Dora Moutot and Marguerite Stern…

The city of Paris even banned the poster campaign presenting the bookand Lyon followed (find here the Lyon Capitale article which talks about it)!

Obviously, the book Transmania is not “transphobic”: it warns of the risks of gender ideology for women, for society and for children in the face of activism in schools, from kindergarten onwards.

This book is serious and courageous.

Courage is needed, because as the authors write “any unbeliever who mentions the binary of the sexes is dragged through the mud” !

This is where we are today.

Gender ideology infiltrates all spheres of societydenying the reality of biological sex and the risks of transitions among young people.

It is urgent to act to protect children!

As you know, SOS Education is on the front line in this fight against gender ideology.

We were the first to alert on the circular signed by Jean-Michel Blanquer on September 29, 2021institutionalizing the self-determination of gender felt at school from kindergarten onwards.

And very recently, the Senate published a report and a proposed law to protect young peoplewhich follow the important work that we have undertaken with the senators (I invite you to find the links to the Senate publications at the bottom of this message)!

On April 23, I was able to present on television our work on the transgender issue among young people and our analysis of the book Transmaniaamong other hot topics.

A short and straightforward intervention, at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk on CNews, which you can discover below:



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)