Hélène Rollès, from “Mysteries of Love” to “Hospices of Love”?

Hélène Rollès, from “Mysteries of Love” to “Hospices of Love”?
Hélène Rollès, from “Mysteries of Love” to “Hospices of Love”?

Hélène, her name is Hélène. The star singer of the 1990s and actress Hélène Rollès, 57, does not plan to hang up any time soon. As proof, she has just launched, this Friday, her eleventh musical album, soberly called “Hélène”. To our colleagues at Parisianthe idol of an entire generation spoke about his projects, both musical and television.

“Like a bubble”

As in the heyday, Hélène – “a girl like no other” –, currently in the middle of promoting her new record, addresses her audience. “I decided to record new songs because the fans were in demand,” assures the 57-year-old artist. Jean-Luc Azoulay [son producteur] insisted and so did my children. I love recording, it’s like a bubble. And we were still in the same historic AB Productions studio where I recorded my hits in the 1990s. I hope that my audience will like it, but I am calm, because I have known their goodwill towards me for years. years. » A great promise therefore with “Hélène”, which should find its audience in the bins.

The “Mysteries” endure

On the camera side, Hélène Rollès is more than ever at the top of the cast in “The Mysteries of Love”. Recently, the 900th episode of the sitcom was offered on TMC. “When I found out the number, I was shocked, it’s incredible,” she confides to the daily. With the actors, we are always happy to see each other, we laugh, we have good days. »

So, heading towards the 1000th? “Why would we stop? If this continues, we will end up filming “The Ehpad of Love” or “The Hospices of Love”, laughs Hélène Rollès. We’re going to move around in a walker, with my Laly [la comédienne Laly Meignan, vue récemment dans « Les Traîtres » sur M6] to go to the garage. It would be so funny to end up very old in this story. But I don’t know if I would have the courage to still spin at eighty brushes. I will at least have to adapt my hours [rire]. There is no doubt that 20 Minutes will be there to watch and comment on the thousandth of the “Mysteries of Love”.



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