Lunar sequence on the set of Quotidien, Doria Tillier disoriented when faced with a question from Yann Barthès (VIDEO)

Lunar sequence on the set of Quotidien, Doria Tillier disoriented when faced with a question from Yann Barthès (VIDEO)
Lunar sequence on the set of Quotidien, Doria Tillier disoriented when faced with a question from Yann Barthès (VIDEO)

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Facing Don’t touch my post et C to youYann Barthès hosted a new edition of Daily on Thursday October 10, 2024. TMC’s flagship show was punctuated by the presence of Doria Tillier.

The former weather miss Grand journal came to ensure the promotion of Children are kingswhere she shares the bill with Géraldine Nakache, also present on set. Faced with Yann Barthès, the one who clarified her relationship with Nicolas Bedos made an unexpected confession. She admitted not having understood the role she played for the series adapted from the novel by Delphine de Vigan and which will be available on Disney+ from Wednesday October 23.

“Oh I hear a noise…” : Doria Tillier causes a moment of unease on the set of Daily

“You said you didn’t even understand the role between the kids’ story and the loss of the kidnapped child…”said, taken aback, the presenter who was forced to urgently disrupt his show. To which the actress replied: It’s true that I had difficulty understanding my role and I was very happy that Sébastien Marnier, the director, was there and that I could abandon myself to him. It’s the only role I’ve done without really understanding it…”.

She then set about clarifying the basis of her thoughts. “When I say ‘not understanding’, I mean sometimes when we play, we have to…”she continued before suddenly stopping and turning around: “Oh I hear a noise…”. A remark which caused a moment of unease. No other speaker present on set seemed to be surprised by a sudden noise…

“Say a sentence, do an action… Normally we understand why our character says this or does that, and I sometimes found that it didn’t make sense. That’s what I call ‘not understanding’ …”continued the guest of Daily. Ambre Chalumeau appeared surprised by Doria Tillier’s statements. “You don’t find anything in common with this character?!”she asked.

“No, it’s not about finding points in common because there are plenty of things with which I don’t have points in common that I can still… So I can understand… It’s not It’s not at all ‘ah, she’s too obnoxious’ or ‘she’s too different’, it’s really that I didn’t understand, but then I’m not going to exacerbate that thing either…”replied Doria Tillier.



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