“We are in discussions with Arcom”: Towards a postponement of the launch of Ouest- TV, one of the two channels which will replace C8 and NRJ 12 in 2025?

“We are in discussions with Arcom”: Towards a postponement of the launch of Ouest- TV, one of the two channels which will replace C8 and NRJ 12 in 2025?
“We are in discussions with Arcom”: Towards a postponement of the launch of Ouest-France TV, one of the two channels which will replace C8 and NRJ 12 in 2025?

A new line on his CV. Guénaëlle Troly was appointed, this Wednesday, October 2, 2024, general director of the future TNT channel, OFTV (for Ouest- TV), announced the management of the group based in (Ille-et-Vilaine) in a press release . As a reminder, Ouest-France TV and Réels TV are the two channels which should compensate for the departures of C8 and NRJ 12, whose lease on TNT was not renewed after February 28, 2025.

“We are in discussions with Arcom to launch the channel on September 1, 2025”

Guénaëlle Troly now has a few months ahead of her to build a schedule, recruit around thirty professionals, buy streaming programs and build studios. “I joined the NextRadioTV group in 2012 to launch and develop the TNT RMC Découverte channel. My arrival coincided with the group negotiating its agreement with the CSA. The timing is the same today for Ouest-France“, she confided to “Figaro”.

However, two launch schedules are indeed considered. “We are in discussions with Arcom to launch the channel on September 1, 2025.” In the event of launch on March 1, 2025, the date on which the OFTV lease begins on DTT, “If necessary, we can set up a transition grid“, indicates the director who still does not know on which channel – 8, 12, another? – her channel will be broadcast.

It’s not that often that we create new television channels in France, and I know it’s an incredible adventure.“, concludes the one who, in the past, also directed the Travel and National Geographic channels. More recently, recalls “Le Figaro”, Guénaëlle Thory supported the L’Express group for its TNT channel project L’Express TV, finally declined by Arcom, before approaching West France once their frequency has been obtained.

“Making OFTV an essential player in the French audiovisual landscape”

Having worked with RMC (Altice era) between 2012 and 2021 then the TV division of NRJ Group (NRJ 12, Chérie 25) between 2022 and 2023, this sector professional will have the mission of “make OFTV an essential player in the French audiovisual landscape”.

Under his direction, OFTV, a general, national and free channel, will talk about and to the French“, the press release further indicates. “Faithful to its inspiring slogan: ‘Life, in truth’, it will reflect a plural France as it is truly experienced by all French people and will highlight the authenticity and diversity of all regions. OFTV will offer accessible, intelligent, positive and varied programming” aimed at 25-49 year olds in peripheral France.

On July 16, 2024, five leaders of the Ouest France group had in fact defended against Arcom a file comprising “five pillars”: a daily talk show entitled “The Talk in real life” attaching itself to humans”with people you don’t see on television“, entertainment, with the adaptation of digital formats but also recordings of concerts and comedy shows, information, with a daily news (“From the commune to the world”), fiction, with two cinema evenings per week and accompanied in certain cases by debate evenings. There could also be broadcasts of cycling competitions.

READ ALSO: TNT channels: What will Ouest-France TV and Réels TV offer which will replace C8 and NRJ 12 in 2025?

Christopher Baldelli debauché of Public Senate by Réels TV

The other project selected by Arcom, Réels TV, is also refining its organization chart. The channel, financed by Daniel Kretinsky’s CMI group and defended in July 2024 by Denis Olivennes and Raphaël Enthoven, poached the current boss of Public Senate, Christopher Baldelli.



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