Cyril Hanouna goes off on the radio, a…

Cyril Hanouna goes off on the radio, a…
Cyril Hanouna goes off on the radio, a…

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, Cyril Hanouna presented the show On marche sur la tête, on Europe 1. Live, the iconic host of Touche pas à mon poste attacked Géraldine Maillet.

The host did not mince his words… Tuesday, September 17, 2024, during the Champions League match between Real Madrid and Stuttgart, Kylian Mbappé scored a goal. Not enough to impress Cyril Hanounawho attacked the 25-year-old player two days later on the show On marche sur la tête, on Europe 1.

“People think I have something against Kylian Mbappé, but not at all! I’m just a friend of Nasser, the president of PSG, of Didier Deschamps, the coach of the French team, I like them a lot. I’m also a friend of the steward, Bachir… But I was spoken to yesterday, Géraldine Maillet, ‘football specialist’who told me yesterday: ‘Mbappé scored in the Champions League’. Which is factually true. But even my grandmother scored the goal!”he exclaimed.

Cyril Hanouna: “I’m going to do it on TV later”

Considering that the goal scored by Kylian Mbappé was easy, the presenter who will soon celebrate his 50th birthday said: “Listen to me, this is shameful! Even a guy in Love is in the Meadow with a tractor, he pushes the ball with the tractor! It’s shameful, the worst would be if he hadn’t scored the goal.”before adding: “A cockroach puts it, a fly!”or even: “Gauthier Le Bret in loafers, he scores the goal!”.

According to Cyril Hanouna, the football player is not up to standard. “And Géraldine Maillet, her again, too bad she’s not here… Hey, I’m going to see her on TV later!
I’ll talk to him on TV later.
he said, before addressing Valérie Bénaïm. “There’s no point in defending her! You know, the only thing you’re going to achieve by defending her is end up at the job center, so calm down!”he said.

Cyril Hanouna: “This will be over quickly!”

Live, the C8 star assured that
Geraldine Maillet
had told him the day before that Vinicius was playing less well than Kylian Mbappé at the start of the season. “No, but guys, seriously… We have to stop these guys!”indicated Cyril Hanouna before Gilles Verdez agreed with him.
“And she almost questioned Vinicius’ possible Ballon d’Or by saying: ‘And why not Mbappé?’. This is total madness!the columnist added.

With a smile on his lips, Gauthier Le Bret exclaimed: “In any case, if she listens to Europe 1, she must be happy!”. Not enough to disconcert Cyril Hanouna who assured that she was listening. “certainly” the show. She knows she’s going to see me in two hours! This will be done quickly!”he added.



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