“It’s ruining my life”, Isabelle Nanty, why she no longer wants to do TV

“It’s ruining my life”, Isabelle Nanty, why she no longer wants to do TV
“It’s ruining my life”, Isabelle Nanty, why she no longer wants to do TV

Back to cinema has barely startedIsabelle Nanty already finds itself in the spotlight. The French actress is indeed starring in the film What do we do now?alongside Lucien Jean-Baptiste and Gérard Darmon. A few days before the theatrical release of this new feature film, the actors were all approached to promote it and answer questions from journalists.

And this Saturday, September 28, it was Isabelle Nanty’s turn to appear in the show We’re doing TV againfacing Eric Dussart et Jade. For the actress, this interview was an opportunity to address not only subjects relating to his professional lifebut she was also able to tell some surprising and little-known anecdotes about his personality. The actress even revealed that she doesn’t really enjoy being on television sets.

Isabelle Nanty admits that she hates being on television

A real nightmare. This is how Isabelle Nanty describes her experiences at French television. In the show We’re doing TV againÉric Dussart then wanted to know more. “They say that you don’t chase promotion on television, Isabelle Nanty. That the less you do, the better off you are”. Hearing these words, the actress did not seem surprised. On the contrary, she acquiesced, letting out a “It’s true” d’an embarrassed look.

The reason? “I don’t know how to dress. It’s bothering me. So if I can avoid it”she explained. “It’s really the thing that ruined my life.” Conversely, Isabelle Nanty feels more comfortable on the radio. But for the actress, working on a television set turns out to be a complicated exercise. “It ruins my life during the 15 days I’m promoting”she even added.

Isabelle Nanty also avoids cocktails and standing parties

His way of dressing is not Isabelle Nanty’s only problem. “I have a small trunk”she also underlined. As a result, she does everything to avoid showing herself too much when she has to go to a television set. “I always ask if there is an arrival, will I be seen standing or will we be seen sitting directly, are there times when we will have to get up.”

But these strategies tend to get tired Isabelle Nanty. “These are impossible headaches”she points out. So, the actress simply prefers to avoid doing film promotions on television. At the moment, his complex is accentuated because of knee problems, which prevent him from wearing heels. “So here I am at the 4000th power of the problem.”

Participating in television shows are not Isabelle Nanty’s only fears. For the same reasons, the actress refuses to go to des cocktails and to standing parties. “I can’t hold a conversation on my feet (…) I can’t form reasoning, listen well and respond well.”



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