“Love is in the meadow”: “Which one will come and tuck me in tonight?”, episode 5 summarized in six lines

Murielle already sees herself reorganizing the house to her taste… Your couch takes up a lot of space. And the color is old-fashioned.… » Pascal begins to worry.She’s a little too commanding at the start but hey… she’ll do it.. »

Pascal begins to wonder if he made the right choice… – M6 SCREENSHOT

The farmer seems to faint when she lists all the foods she can’t eat. You didn’t come across someone simple, I’m one of a kind ” laughs his guest. But he does not hide his annoyance…” Go ahead, be the boss of the house. ! »

“A cock in dough”

In , it’s time for speed dating for Mickaël. I will let my heart speak. » The farmer found himself a widower at 35, with two babies. Michelle’s letter particularly affected. She is the first to meet him. You and I, deep down, we have everything to be happy, but we don’t have the essentials.”she emphasizes.

We have the experience of a lifetime. We have the same journey, somewhere “, replies the Breton. She invites him to a parachute jump… but he suffers from vertigo. The parade of suitors continues. They try to flatter him, talk to him about his dear … “ He’s living his best life. A cock in dough! » comments Karine.

Mickaël has chosen the two suitors who will join him at the farm. – M6 SCREENSHOT

Nadia, “ dynamic and with energy every day”arrives from the top of his 1.85 m. Very chameleon “, she says she is ready to move to Morbihan. “ We are both tall, we make a beautiful couple “, Michael already imagines. “ She is sparkling, radiant, sunny, she wants to enjoy life “.

Rozenn, the last to meet him, recognized herself in his portrait. I waited for this moment, I imagined it and it’s perfect. »

Come the time of the verdict. Rozenn and Nadia will spend a few days at the farm…

“Don’t rush me”

In Haute-Saône, Karell will take his production to market with the sensitive Claude and the bon vivant Alexandre. The boys’ personalities are very different. At the market, I find them quite efficient.s. » But she keeps a close eye on them., « I decide, I’m the boss “.

Claude takes advantage of a face to face with the young woman. “He is considerate, attentive. There are little glances, it remains subtle but I am attentive to that.. » Alexandre tries to find out more about Karell’s feelings. She doesn’t take it very well. I am happy to show you my life, my environment. I do my best but don’t rush me. I don’t know you, we don’t know each other. I need to know who you are, to observe you.. »

“That’s the game, my poor Lucette!”

In Oise, the whirling Caroline and the discreet Clémence have the same goal: to conquer Bruno’s heart. Clémence lives only 30 km away and arrives first. I’m glad to see him again. We chat, we free ourselves up a bit. It’s like we’ve known each other for a long time.s ».

They almost forgot about the arrival of the second contender. Clémence then begins in retreat. “ She’s more outgoing than me, I hope that won’t work against me. ” Cohabitation is looking complicated…

It’s time to discover the farm’s activities. Clémence, the daughter of farmers, doesn’t dare to put herself forward. Caroline asks a lot of questions and there is a lot of exchange between them. ” stresses Clémence. Unsurprisingly, Caroline volunteers for a tractor ride, showing no mercy to Clémence. “ That’s the game, my poor Lucette! »

“Which one is going to come tuck me in tonight?”

Direction , where the outing is in the air. Marie took the time to get ready. Oh la la, come here so I can give you a kiss “, calls Gilles. But Isabelle has ” I haven’t said my last word “…

Gilles takes his suitors to a restaurant. Which one is going to come tuck me in tonight? ” jokes Gilles. Obviously not Isabelle. “ I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Surely not. ! » « He hides behind jokes but he needs love a lot “, Marie believes.

“With Isabelle, there was a kiss “, confides the farmer, in a very good mood, the next morning. I feel like a current is passing between us ” she explains. While Marie judges that Gillou is “ not at all in seduction “…A little later, observant, she finds him” very tactile with Isabelle. The look, the words… I want to leave, honestly. »

“They need to be a little interested in what I do.”

In the Vosges, Stéphane goes to pick up his two suitors, who are waiting for him on the forecourt of the station. He too has rented a gîte. A bouquet of daffodils and chocolate await Vanessa and Nathalie, not really at ease among the animals.

At the farm, the sheep farmer gives the two women their work clothes. They need to be a little interested in what I do.. »

Next week, we will follow the continuation of the speed dating. Tensions could appear on the farms…



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