Gilles (Love is in the Meadow) rebuffed by his suitor Isabelle: “Is this a joke?”

Gilles (Love is in the Meadow) rebuffed by his suitor Isabelle: “Is this a joke?”
Gilles (Love is in the Meadow) rebuffed by his suitor Isabelle: “Is this a joke?”

Gilles will have to be patient. After the speed-dating, Renaud’s great friend invited Isabelle and Marie spent a few days on his farm in . In addition to being a real party animal, the former breeder is a bit enterprising, making dirty jokes and other naughty innuendos with his two suitors. True to himself, the one nicknamed Gillou couldn’t help but make a little proposition to his guests after a romantic meal at the restaurant. “So, which one is going to come tuck me in tonight?”he asked them with a mischievous smile during the new episode of Love is in the meadow broadcast this Monday, September 16 on M6. Before continuing: “Each your turn. So tonight, it’s going to be Marie. And tomorrow night, it’s going to be Isabelle. You have to agree.”

An invitation that does not seem to be unanimous among the latter.But wait! Border all that, you’re exaggerating a bit there. You’re skipping steps again! As usual.”Isabelle scolded him, pointing her finger at him. Faced with the reluctance of this flirtatious septuagenarian, the one who has been a widower for two years tried to make her change her tune. “If there’s the hug, the kisses and all that, it’s still cute, right?” Tender gestures which did not convince the main person concerned, who was quick to put the brakes on Gilles’ ardour. “No, but after the second day, it’s a joke!”she told him. Before continuing: “I understand that you have desires like that and urges but still.” No matter, Gilles cannot resist “beautiful gazelles” And “little asses”. A confidence which did not fail, once again, to amuse his admirers.

>> PHOTOS – Love is in the meadow 2024: discover the portraits of the farmers of season 19

Isabelle (Love is in the meadow) calms Gilles’ ardor

This is not the first time that Isabelle has warned Gilles. Overwhelmed by the arrival of his favorite suitor, the retired breeder was very tactile towards her during the entire trip to the farm. “I’m tactile, excuse me. I wanted to see if your hands were warm,” he threw at her during an episode broadcast on August 26, after having taken her arm several times. First “at ease” And “completely relaxed” With Gilles, Isabelle quickly became troubled by these spontaneous physical contacts. “He touches me a lot, I think he is in the seduction but we will go slowly, let things happen quietly, it must not be like a straw and go down as quickly as it went up”she said.

Indeed, Gilles is ready to do anything to seduce his guest and has not stopped complimenting her. “You kind of suspected that you would be selected, right? Given how feminine you are, and how blonde and blue-eyed you are, Marilyn Monroe ! And then excuse me, you’re well built as they say”he confided to her confidently. And once they arrived safely, he very quickly played the knight in shining armour to his lady. “You’re going to settle down there. You’re lucky, you have a two-meter bed. I’m going to sleep on the veranda. Or else, I’ll sleep over there at the back.”he suggested, pointing to the other side of the bed. An idea that was far from convincing the main person concerned. “No, no, we mustn’t put the cart before the horse.”Isabelle then told him.

Photo credits: Screenshot Love is in the meadow – M6



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