“Our volunteers are extraordinary, they run most of our 22 activities with great motivation” announces Elise Glapa, the dynamic president of the BIGRES association (Blagnac intergenerational sports retirement), herself a leader for the dance activity. Reserved for retirees living in Blagnac, BIGRES has 459 members this year, or 28 more than last year. Among the new physical but also cerebral activities: Nordic walking, Spanish lessons, and computers. “This new IT activity helps to better manipulate a computer, word processing tools and above all to strengthen the security of access to the Internet” specifies the president. As for the Pickle-ball activity, a racket sport, in place for a year: “it works well for new members who have good knees and joints”.
“Our primary vocation is to develop social ties between Blagnac retirees,” she explains. So the traditional pancake was very successful in January and it is already sold out for the trip organized at the end of February to Menton for the lemon festival. Victim of its success, the association is looking for volunteers to take over, particularly for the flagship activity of hiking, discovering natural landscapes of great beauty.