Although this treatment will continue on Wednesday, the hospital has preferred to concentrate its activity on essential treatments. Only vital emergencies will be covered and dialysis will also be carried out. Furthermore, “everything is being done” to maintain chemotherapy and day treatments.
On the other hand, Cliniques Saint-Luc will refer anyone who presents to the emergency room to other hospitals if no life is in danger. Technical examinations (radiology, MRI, radiotherapy, endoscopies, etc.) are canceled for outpatients, but maintained as far as possible for patients already hospitalized.
As for consultations, they are all canceled, as are the scheduled surgical interventions.
For more details, patients are invited to consult the website to find out if they are affected by a cancellation. If applicable, they are asked not to come to the site, nor to call the clinics by telephone “until further notice”. The hospital will contact them itself to reschedule an appointment.
-University clinics refer to their website and, possibly, their social networks to follow the evolution of the situation.
The organization of the following days will be communicated on Wednesday.