Consumer prices –
Chocolate and sugar see the biggest increase
Inflation slowed in Switzerland in 2024, but not on all products, according to the latest official figures.
Posted today at 6:42 a.m.
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- Chocolate prices have increased by 9% in one year, according to the OFS.
- In 2024, average inflation in Switzerland has been estimated at around 1%.
- Vegetables, especially potatoes, are cheaper than in 2023.
The Federal Statistical Office (FSO) is always very neutral. By communicating every month about inflation, he is content to give cold figures, far from what consumers feel when they go to the checkout, their shopping cart full. At the start of the year, he noted that in 2024, the average increase in prices was around 1%.
The price index is lower than it was in 2022 and 2023: prices for petroleum products are decreasing and making imports to Switzerland cheaper. But in food, prices vary differently depending on whether it is canned goods, fruit or coffee. According to the OFS tables, the three categories which increased the most between December 2023 and December 2024 are chocolate (+9%), sugar (+8.5%) and oils (+7% in general, but +18% just for olive oil).
Prices down 14% for potatoes
Veal also increased by 7%, as did fruit juices. But it is true that in the Swiss shopping basket, several foodstuffs have seen their prices decrease this year 2024, by almost 8% for vegetables (including 14% for potatoes), by 4% for pasta but also jam. Melon and grapes are also 20% cheaper.
-At the French-speaking Consumer Federation (FRC), economics manager Jean Busché does not want to be fooled by the slowdown in inflation. “If we take the pre-Covid situation as a point of reference, we clearly see that prices have increased significantly in recent years, on essential goods and on many non-reducible expenditure items,” explains -he. In August 2024, «24 hours » had calculated price increases over the past five years, which showed spectacular increases, particularly for sugar, milk and meat.
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Olaf King joined the Tamedia editorial staff in September 2022, within the team in charge of data journalism and visual journalism. A geographer by training, he worked for a long time at the Federal Statistical Office, where he notably headed the thematic cartography service.More info
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