The sky will remain very cloudy, changing from very cloudy to overcast. No precipitation. Temperatures will be between 0 and 3°C this morning and between 5 and 8°C in the afternoon. The wind will be moderate. It will blow between 10 and 20 km/h and gusts can reach 30 km/h.
The weather in your town
The sky will be very cloudy with short sunny spells. No precipitation. Temperatures will be between 3 and 5°C this morning and between 8 and 9°C in the afternoon. The wind will be moderate. It will blow at 20 km/h and gusts could reach 40 km/h.
-The sky will be very cloudy with short sunny spells, but without rain. Temperatures will be between 0 and 3°C this morning and between 5 and 7°C in the afternoon. The wind will be moderate. It will blow between 10 and 15 km/h and gusts could reach 35 km/h.
The sky will be very cloudy with short sunny spells, but without precipitation. Temperatures will be between -1 and 0°C this morning and between 4 and 6°C in the afternoon. The wind will be moderate. It will blow between 10 and 15 km/h and gusts could reach 30 km/h.