Two days after Sony revealed the first look of the film adaptation of Until Dawn, the full trailer has been released. Next cinematic release after Gran Turismo from PlayStation Productions, this one will be inspired by the Supermassive Games title launched on PS4 in 2015, rather than being a direct adaptation.
However, as explained in the First Look video and also shown in the trailer, the film will imitate the game in one essential aspect: the characters will be able to relive certain moments, go back in time and make new choices, just like us (the players) can do it in the video game (recently re-released on PS5).
Will this group of teenagers manage to get to the Until Dawn site? The film seems to be a new approach to the slasher genre, even if it is not entirely original: other recent films like Happy Death Day already took up this idea. We’ll see if director David F. Sandberg can pull it off when the film comes out on April 25, 2025.