A video attributed to the Ukrainian media United24, published on January 11, claims that eight luxurious mansions, purchased by high-ranking members of the Ukrainian army, burned down during the ongoing fires in Los Angeles. This is a false video which hijacks the identity of the media: contacted by our editorial staff, United24 denies having produced it and denounces disinformation coming from Russia.
Proof of the “total” corruption of the Ukrainian general staff, according to a pro-Russian Internet user. According to a video allegedly published on January 11 by United24, a Ukrainian news site, eight mansions belonging to members of the team of Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the former commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, reportedly burned during the fires currently hitting Los Angeles.
“Western taxpayers’ money is not only burning in Ukraine, it is also burning in the country of taxpayers,” quips a pro-Russian account in a post seen more than 520,000 times on Xwhich claims that the incriminated soldiers were generals and therefore financed their luxurious properties by diverting aid sent to Ukraine. The value of the destroyed properties is estimated at $90 million, the alleged United 24 video shows.
A hijacking of the United24 logo
The fires in Los Angeles, a pretext to attack Ukraine
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