Great Boulder Resources Limited is a mineral exploration company with gold and base metals projects in Western Australia. The Company is primarily focused on the exploration and development of the high-grade Side Well gold project, near the historic Meekatharra gold camp in the Murchison region. The Side Well Project is a group of 12 prospecting leases and one exploration license covering more than 150 square kilometers around the town of Meekatharra in the Murchison region. The Side Well Gold Project is a high-grade gold project at the heart of a multi-million ounce deposit. It is located near Meekatharra, Western Australia. The Side Well Project covers 35 kilometers of prospective and under-explored greenstone stratigraphy at Meekatharra. The Whiteheads Project is located approximately 40 km north of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and north of the Kanowna Belle gold mine. The Wellington Project is located 150 km east of Wiluna in the Earaheedy Basin in central Western Australia.