Released on January 1, 2025, MCE had the chance to see “Love in the Present” last year, just to end 2024 well. Here is our film review!
The ex-star of Spider-Man and the Midsommar actress are reunited at the start of 2025 in this very touching love film. Love in the present tells the story of Almut and Tobias, a young couple whose lives are turned upside down when they learn terrible news. MCE saw it before its official release on January 1, 2025 and here’s what we thought.
The beautiful chemistry between Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield
In pairs or solo, the actors of Love in the present promoted the film. Andrew Garfield had the good idea to take a Florence Pugh sign of the preview in London, in October 2024. An initiative which made the actress in question laugh a lot.
Even though, one might believe that the two stars don’t take themselves seriously. On the contrary, they proved it during filming. Indeed, the ex-star of Spider-Man and Dune 2 actress gave everything, even a little too much, during an intimate scene.
The couple on the screen realized after a while that the director was not saying: “Cut.” Andrew Garfield spoke about this incident during a masterclass, proving that the filming went more than well. At least, the passion was very present on the set.
Already released in the United States, since October 2024we had to wait three more months to finally enjoy this beautiful love film which will shake more than one person. Discover without further delay MCE’s opinion on Love in the present!
Love in the presenta funny and powerful romance
It’s hard not to like this film which addresses a theme that we understand from watching the trailer: illness. And above all how to overcome this ordeal as a couple but also at the heart of a family. So many questions that we do not dare to ask ourselves, well in Love in the presentyou will have the answer.
The actors are so touching. The film directed by John Crowley exudes such sincerity in the sequences but also in the choice of actors. Florence Pugh made the decision to shave her head for the film, to add more authenticity. Besides, hold on, this scene is just very well done and is likely to make you cry or at least bring tears to your eyes.
The film is very good proof that in the life of couple there are concessions to be made without forgetting who we are at the basedon’t get lost in the relationship but be careful not to lose everything. Love is knowing how to make concessions, but to what extent should you leave your passions aside in life as a couple? This is the moral of the film.
From the first minutes, the cast of the film immerses us in its bubble and takes us on a long journey that will not be peaceful. The star of Tick, Tick…Boom does not hesitate to show his sensitivity in Love in the present. This is not a first since in Spider-Man : No Way Homethe actor did not hesitate to cry on screen offering a very funny and touching scene to the film which brought together the three spider men, him, Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland.
In summary, Love in the presentt is a very beautiful heartbreaking love filmon the happiness that a being can bring you but also on perseverance. To better understand, you will have to go to the cinema since the film has been in cinemas in France since January 1, 2025.
Photo credits:
© Peter Mountain / Studio Canal
Tags : andrew garfield – movie review