Some things don’t change. What end to Jean-Marie Le Pen’s career could he hope for if not an exit from the stage surrounded by sulfur? How to close sixty years of a political life punctuated by provocations and thunderous declarations without one last questionable outburst? April 2015. Jean-Marie Le Pen is still honorary president of the National Front. Its daughter president has just achieved very good scores in the departmental elections with a strong push in several prefectures. A result which complements the successes in the municipal and European elections of the previous year. The demonization operation led by Marine Le Pen is working. Nothing seems to stop the progression of the Front. Nothing, except Jean-Marie Le Pen.
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Thus, first during an interview on BFM-TV then in the columns of Rivarolanti-Semitic and Pétainist weekly, Jean-Marie Le Pen reiterates his 1987 comments on the gas chambers, “detail of the Second World War”. For Marine Le Pen, this is one provocation too many.
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A real and irreversible rupture
The sanction is not long in coming. Jean-Marie Le Pen is suspended from his functions, his photo is removed from the website of the party he co-founded in 1972. The crisis is deep and the rupture real. The two Le Pens will no longer speak to each other. Marine Le Pen believes that her father “wants to harm the National Front”. Le Pen senior goes so far as to disown his daughter, claiming that he “shame that it bears his name”.
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