The appointment was made. He was honored. Monday January 6, 2025, hospital staff were on strike in the reception of the Romorantin hospital following the appeal launched by the inter-union CFDT-Sud-CGT. Some employees, assigned to their jobs, even hung small signs on their backs in support of the strike: “Be the caregiver you would like to have if you were in the patient’s place”is written on one of them.
“We are being nibbled away at what little we have”
A strike called after the last establishment social committee (CSE) on December 19, 2024 where the end of the two days of subjection was discussed. The trade union organizations also fear a reduction in staff numbers and are calling for the application of two days of dressing and undressing.
“We are being nibbled away at what little we have”denounces a group of caregivers who “refuse to lose [les] two days of subjection. » A demonstration in response to a “fed up with the rising tide. We did this job for the human side and we must dehumanize ourselves”add the strikers.
Exhausted staff
They also highlight the lack of time available for patients due to “working at a tight pace, we are always in a hurry and it is to the detriment of patients. It hurts our hearts”. “We are all exhaustedintervenes a caregiver from the Mimosas nursing home. We calculated: we have twelve minutes per resident because there are four of us to take care of fifty people. » According to the nursing staff, the patients themselves point out to them “that the service is deteriorating”. So faced with physical and mental fatigue, some end up on sick leave but “even when we are off work, we feel guilty about our colleagues”testify, touched, several caregivers.
The striking staff also point out the problem of attractiveness for the Romorantin hospital. “Some hospitals have two days of restraints and two days of dressing and undressing and we wouldn’t have anything? » they question. “In Blois, they have two days of dressing”specifies Yann Fixot of the CFDT.
“We feel despised”
Another reason for this mobilization, comments allegedly made by the director of the establishment Pierre-Henri Guillet during this CSE. Despite a denial from the latter based on the fact that the exchanges “been recorded”the nursing staff have “took a slap. We feel despised even though if we weren’t there, no one would be there. »
Employees and unionists are “aware of financial difficulties” and agree to “a collective effort” but the latter believe that this is taking place “always to the detriment of the same”.
While the hospital director expresses his wishes today, Wednesday January 8, there is no doubt that the nursing staff will be particularly attentive to the comments made.