The murder of a 33-year-old journalist, Mukesh Chandrakar, “caused a shock wave throughout the country”, relieving The Business Standard. The reporter’s body was found on January 3 in a septic tank, freshly covered with a concrete slab, in the state of Chhattisgarh, in the center of the country. “Police suspect his death is linked to a recent news report, in which he exposed alleged corruption in a road project worth 1.20 billion rupees,” or more than 13 million euros. His investigation reportedly prompted the government to investigate the activities of a local entrepreneur. Mukesh Chandrakar had been missing since 1is January and was last seen in the company of the brother of the accused entrepreneur.
He was “the voice of the people”, the voice of those who were not “heard”, judge NDTV, the 24-hour news channel that broadcast Mr. Chandrakar’s report on December 25. The independent journalist also ran a popular YouTube channel, “Bastar Junction”, which has 169,000 subscribers and was a credible source in this area.
Professional associations, such as the Editors Guild of India, have called for better protection of journalists in the pa