Claude Campigna retires and hands over his bakery to his son Damien.

Claude Campigna retires and hands over his bakery to his son Damien.
Claude Campigna retires and hands over his bakery to his son Damien.

On December 30, Claude Campigna, a baker for 39 years, after having helped his father, now deceased, for a long time (see: our article from January 15, 2024), passed the baton to his son Damien. The latter, a master pastry chef and chocolatier, already very operational in making cakes, will now oversee the overall destiny of La mie de Mes Ancêtres, the village bakery-pastry shop. It is both a place for sales and impromptu meetings, where customers come not only to buy various pastries or breads, which are excellent by the way, but also to discuss the latest news or gossip from the village. A small coffee and fast food area allows you to pleasantly prolong conversations. Located in the heart of the village, on the edge of its main road, this business is a friendly place. If Claude will now be able to “take a little time for herself and her little ones”, according to the words she spoke, moved, in front of the elected officials and customers gathered for the occasion, Damien will certainly be keen to perpetuate the reputation for excellence attached to this establishment, founded in 1963 by Louis Rolland, his grandfather.

Daniel Verdon



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