In a bizarre incident, a Rome, Georgia man was arrested after allegedly using Pokémon cards to assault customers at a local Dollar General store. According to police reports obtained by Dexerto, Grant Timothy Wentz, 32, caused a stir when he entered the store without shoes or a shirt, yelling at customers and throwing objects around him. These items included packs of Pokémon cards, one of which allegedly hit a customer in the neck.
The bizarre incident took place after Wentz behaved erratically, allegedly under the influence of alcohol. Witnesses say he was throwing objects randomly and when police arrived his conversations made little sense. As if the situation wasn't strange enough, Wentz was charged with disturbing the peace, simple battery, and walking under the influence of alcohol.
While this may sound like a scene straight out of a surreal comedy, this isn't the first time Pokémon cards have been involved in violent incidents. In 2023, a man was sentenced to life in prison for a fatal stabbing using a bag of Pokémon cards. Could these trading cards become the next unexpected weapon of choice?