a little tour of the city on the last day of 2024

In Chauvigny, the municipality had taken the decision to give a new dimension to the small market on Tuesdays December 24 and 31, 2024 by authorizing traders from the large Saturday market to participate due to the proximity of Christmas Eve and the New Year's Eve. Not everyone responded to the call but the main thing was elsewhere on these occasions.

“For the freshness of the products, it’s simpler for customers”

“The objective was to offer consumers the possibility of ordering at the Saturday market before collecting their orders on Tuesday and for latecomers to do their shopping, relates Gérard Delis, deputy in charge of trade. We see that this Tuesday, it is mainly food traders who are exhibiting, whereas the previous week, we found more manufactured products. From what I know, the traders all did well. Overall, it's very positive. »

On the Chauvigny market on Saturdays for around thirty years, the fishmonger Les 4 Vents, located on the island of Oléron, made the trip these Tuesdays, December 24 and 31. “For the freshness of the products, it’s simpler for customers rather than buying on Saturday, says Sébastien, the manager. They are satisfied to find products that arrive directly from the auction. »

“Two dozen oysters every Saturday”

Christian says he buys two dozen oysters every Saturday from his favorite merchant. As the latter is also present this Tuesday, he took advantage of it once again. “If you calculate over the year, that’s quite a few oysters…” He meets Jean-Marie, a friend. Which specifies: “For me, these are last minute purchases for seafood. My seller has not increased his prices for several years and we have his habits. »

Opposite the market, at the tobacco press of the… Market, it doesn't stop. An uninterrupted flow of customers. “Already, on December 24, we had a very good day, indicates manager Yvonne Leauthaud, who took over this business in 2022. Overall, I had a good year despite a drop in activity due to the work on rue de Bellevue. We feel that customers are more on edge, that it is more complicated financially. »

At the tobacco market, inventory on New Year's Day

His business was the victim of an attempted burglary recently. “We see that there are more and more robberiesshe notes, before a new increase in the number of packets of cigarettes this 1is January. The share of contraband represents 45% of the market. For me, cigarettes are a flagship product, it's not what makes me live. We are shooting ourselves in the foot, especially since it is often the last business in a village. »

Yvonne Leauthaud, manager of the Marché tobacco press in Chauvigny.
© (Photo archives NR-CP)

To prosper, she chose to expand her store and diversify her activity. On New Year's Day, Yvonne Leauthaud closed her business. Which was not synonymous with rest because she took advantage of it “to take inventory”.

Nathalie Chartier: “I believe in what I do”

Further on, at 10, rue du Marché, it's not the same crowd at the Fée lingerie boutique for you. “It’s very calm on the 31st, people have their minds elsewhere but you have to be there, manager Nathalie Chartier philosophizes. I am always positive. I experienced a small drop in activity in 2024 but 2023 was exceptional and I hope 2025 will be better. »

For 17 years, she says she has built a loyal clientele “thanks to relationships, to listening”. “I love this aspect of my job, I don’t just do sales, certifies Nathalie Chartier. I have held on until now and I will continue to hold on. You should never give up and I believe in what I do. »

Anthony Néhémie (left), manager of the Kiosk and 3 Bis in Chauvigny, is co-president of the GEC with Florian Bontemps.
© (Photo archives NR-CP)

Anthony Néhémie looking towards the 2025 fair

In downtown Chauvigny, Anthony Néhémie runs, in duo with his partner Tatiana, the restaurants Le Kiosque and 3 Bis. The latter is generously garnished at aperitif time this Tuesday, December 31. “With the exception of one Saturday, we have always had a restaurant open on market days in 2024,” notes the merchant. Who doesn't complain. “ We worked very well this year, he emphasizes. Chauvigny is a dynamic city and we always want to energize the center which is very active. In 2025, we hope to remain on the same line. »
Anthony Néhémie has another role: that of co-president of the Chauvinois Entrepreneurs Group. And the GEC will once again organize the Chauvigny fair-exhibition next September. “We want to make it more attractive and for that, we can rely on a good team at GEC,” he specifies. In return for this investment, the restaurateur took a single week of vacation with Tatiana. However, 2025 already promises to be a milestone in their shared history since they will get married on Saturday June 28.



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