The frame baric of the month of January risk of undergoing profound changes compared to December and especially compared to previous years, when we usually experienced particularly stable and poor January months. rain or in snow.
This year, the conditions weather report are likely to turn out to be extremely different, in a nod to theharsh winter.
Polar vortex under attack
Indeed, the rather stable phase of this beginning 2025 should not be misleading, as we are heading into a long period dynamic et alivefollowing a further fall in polar vortexwhich will manifest itself during this week.
The polar vortex will literally be besieged by the high pressures main areas of our hemisphere, such asAzores high pressurethe one Siberian and that of Aleutians present in thePacific Ocean.
The combined action of these three anticyclones will cause a spectacular collapse of the polar vortex, forcing it to send masses ofair glacial to lower latitudes, including theEurope.
Eastern Europe in frost
Already approaching theEpiphanyTHE temperatures will fall sharply throughout the Scandinaviathe European Russiathe PolandTHE Baltic Statesthe Czech Republicthe Slovakiathe Romaniathe Hungary and the Bulgaria.
Temperatures are likely to drop by more than 10 °C below the averages for the period, favoring widespread snowfall up to altitudes plaineswhich will consolidate a vast freezing reservoirdetermining for the evolution weather report of our peninsula in the coming weeks.
Italy at risk of intense cold
Usually, in the presence of reservoirs freezing important on theEastern Europel’Italy is more likely to face waves of intense coldcapable of providing snowfall has very low altitude or in plaine.
It seems that this risk will become reality just after theEpiphanythanks to the entry of these north-eastern glacial currents both on theEurope centrale and on the Mediterranean. The period weather report crucial could be that between the 10 and the January 20just halfway through the month.
THE cold north-eastern currents could especially conquer the regions Adriatic and those of Sudallowing the arrival of heavy snowfallnot only in Apenninesbut also at much lower altitudes. For an involvement of Northern Italyit would be necessary for the gel interacts with the Atlantic disturbancesbut for the moment this possibility seems to be struggling to take off.
However, openings remain possible for a scenario change, which will be monitored in future updates.
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