In the peaceful setting of the Jiyugaoka district of Tokyo, it appears like a small tornado. As tall as three apples, Tetsuko, whom everyone calls “Totto-Chan”, cannot sit still, as she longs to be an adult and achieve what she aspires to: becoming a spy. Alas, his dreams of adventures and secret missions will have to wait. Or even fall behind.
Because the teacher deemed her too turbulent, the girl was sent home from school, to her mother’s despair. So what will she be able to do with this cheeky little devil? It is on this question that the fourth feature film by Japanese director Shinnosuke Yakuwa, known for directing numerous episodes of the animated series, begins. Doraemon (taken from the mangas of Fujiko Fujio A), and the three films he signed, between 2014 and 2019, for the franchise of the same name.
This time adapting for the cinema the autobiographical novel by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, Totto Chan. The little girl at the windowthe director tackles another huge success of Japanese culture. Published for the first time in 1981 in Japan, the book quickly gained popularity. Rewarded by numerous international prizes, the work, which became a bestseller, won over new readers around the world, to the point of totaling 25 million copies sold.
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