“We need 1,000 donations per day” reminds the association for mobilization in Provence

“We need 1,000 donations per day” reminds the association for mobilization in Provence
“We need 1,000 donations per day” reminds the association for mobilization in Provence

At the end of each year, donors become rare. In the Paca region, “we need 1,000 donations per day“, assures Maud Bergeon, communications manager for the French Blood Establishment (EFS). The problem? Only 800 people give it every day in Provence. “The region is not self-sufficient“, she regrets. Faced with the decrease in the number of blood donations, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) is launching a new information campaign in the city.

At the start of the week, at the Republic blood center (1st), Philippe, a regular at the donation center, came to donate platelets. “It doesn't take a lot of time, between 1 and 2 hours maximum.“, he says. However, the period is difficult: stocks are insufficient and donors to subscribers are absent. The reasons? “Most people are with family or traveling for the holidays. Others get sick and catch viruses like the flu. It is impossible to donate blood when you are sick“, continues Maud Bergeon.

“There is a 10% drop in attendance across all of our collections”

Each year, nearly a million patients are treated thanks to donations from volunteers in . To make a donation, nothing could be simpler. All you have to do is go to a dedicated center and fill out a questionnaire with around fifty questions. After a medical interview, it’s time to donate! Allow ten minutes for a blood donation, 45 minutes for plasma and 1 hour 15 minutes for platelets. “Unfortunately, iThere is a 10% drop in attendance across all of our collections“, deplores Maud Bergeon.

“It was obvious to give”

In , three donation centers are open from Monday to Saturday: the center of the Republic (1st), the Baille branch (5th) and that of the Alpes Méditerranée (8th). Across the region, many mobile collection points exist, including “in businesses, in town halls and in educational establishments“, she lists. For some, the donation center is a regular meeting, like Isabelle and Stéphane. Coming as a couple, they take advantage of this afternoon to donate plasma (Isabelle) and blood (Stéphane). Aware from a young age, Stéphane has been coming for more than twenty years.My parents always helped with the collection. It was obvious to give in my turn“, he confides.

To make a donation to the Blood House, go to the website of the French Blood Establishment (EFS) at www.dondesang.efs.sante.fr




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