Published on December 31, 2024 by Médialo
This week the Moon transits the following signs; Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. I wish you a happy new year! We’ll see more incredible things as it goes on, and I hope many of you will like it. But above all, I wish you health, and the company of pleasant people.
Events will lead you to meet friends more often. You will have a good time, especially if you are not too demanding of them. Perfectionist. Oddly enough, you will see some of them again that you had lost sight of. A path will open before you, and it will be very tempting to go and see.
It will be difficult to avoid work, even if you close your cell. Although those who are retired will think very hard about coming back, at least a few hours a week. People trust you, small children, and/or elderly people. Go walk with them to Tim Horton’s. Or at McDonald’s.
You will feel like you are reconnecting with the joy of living. Or inspiration, confidence. You are ready to try something new. To dive into the unknown. And you will do it, with your eyes closed, with almost no fear. The writings of many will follow you, the words. The breath of the Soul of the World.
You feel movement inside you, and you’re not sure you like it. Because it’s unknown. And yet it is only a version of you that seeks to incarnate. But it’s scary, because it touches you on an intimate level. Sensitive and vulnerable. You will attract the attention of many. Wise people especially.
We will make you invitations. Or a marriage proposal. And we will seek your presence. As if several people suddenly discovered you. And you will be tempted to accept a proposal. Why not ? But there are things you will no longer accept from others, like lack of respect.
A story will arise at work that will honor you. Your dedication will be recognized. And the excellent results of your efforts. And now, as the year begins, make a firm resolution to improve your health. The best thing would be to do some physical exercise, because you’re thinking too much.
You don’t look for them, but you will often come across impromptu parties, which are quite amusing. You will relieve a lot of stress this way. You will also have a surprising encounter, whether you are alone or not. You will have the impression of dreaming, of realizing a wish that you have always had.
Your home may not be perfect, but you will feel good there. Especially when you light a lantern, or a fire in the Franklin. You begin to realize many things about your past. And that’s a good reason to be less of a perfectionist. You will have an amazing evening during a visit.
You will have surprising encounters, because this will often result in intelligent exchanges. Sensitive. To the point of exchanging cell numbers. There is a neighbor who has been watching you for a while. And no! He is not dangerous! He’s just curious, and believe me, more educated than you think.
There are riches that we sometimes neglect, because we have enjoyed them for too long. Also, don’t underestimate your little treasures. Your various talents. Your friends, your loved ones. You may be offered a change, it would be best to wait a little. A sign will come. Or a good amount…
Winter is your season, it’s a time of novelty for you. And there’s one coming, it’s on your way. You are about to carry out a project, because all the conditions will be met for a good result. Get up and walk. Go into the unknown. This will bring you closer to success.
Lord ! The Moon’s node axis will join Jupiter and Saturn in your sign. It announces karmic stories. Meetings, after long separations. Ardent learning, which leads to evolution. Of adult maturity. As well as respect in his intimate life. And in love.
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