Marvel's upcoming animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, takes fans on a wild ride through a parallel timeline where Peter Parker receives mentorship from none other than Norman Osborn, the infamous Green Goblin. Disney+ has just released an exciting new trailer for the series, which promises a fresh look at Spider-Man's origin story. In this alternate reality, Peter's path to becoming the iconic hero diverges from traditional MCU storytelling, with Osborn stepping in as a surprising guide.
The trailer shows Peter in action, swinging around New York City, as well as a look at two new Spider-Man costumes. Hudson Thames plays Peter Parker, while Colman Domingo plays Norman Osborn. Also in the cast are Kari Wahlgren as Aunt May and Hugh Dancy as Doctor Octopus. Additionally, fans of the Daredevil series will be delighted to see Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio reprising their roles as Daredevil and Kingpin.
Although the series takes place in a universe outside of the MCU, it still honors Spider-Man's comic book roots, with animation that brings the web-slinger's early adventures to life. Despite its connection to the Marvel universe, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man will explore Peter Parker's journey on his own terms, as confirmed by Brad Winderbaum, head of Marvel TV. The series is scheduled to debut on Disney+ on January 29, 2025.
Do you think Norman Osborn's mentorship will lead Peter Parker down a darker path?