brief return to court of the accused

brief return to court of the accused
brief return to court of the accused

Emmanuel Mbong Bougha and Nickolace Denis-Fouché, accused of a murder that occurred in July in a Terrebonne park, made a brief appearance at the courthouse on Tuesday, November 26.

The two men are accused of the murder of Maxime Jean, 22, which occurred in a park on rue Marcel-De La Sablonnière, in Terrebonne, on July 18.

Emmanuel Mbong Bougha, 24, from Laval, is not his first run-in with the law.

On Tuesday, November 26, he pleaded guilty to one count of breach of conditions, which occurred on November 17, 2021, when he had not completed the 240 hours of community service that had been imposed on him as conditions in another case.

Judge Marc-André Dagenais ordered 5 months in prison for the accused, already in preventive detention as part of his murder trial since he was arrested by police in Ontario in September.

By calculating the days already served in preventive detention, Emmanuel Mbong Bougha will have to remain in prison for 32 days for this breach of conditions.

Both co-accused will return to court on Monday, January 20, 2025 in connection with the murder charges they face.

The lawyers will need to have determined whether they want a preliminary investigation to be held.

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