William involved in a murder case and Bastien rejects Mélody (Full summary of episode 1724)

“Tomorrow Belongs to Us” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 1724 of Thursday, July 11, 2024 – Like every day, newsactual.fr reveals the rest of the intrigues of your favorite soap opera. In this new episode which will be broadcast next Thursday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, Bastien makes contact with Mélody while the Sète police investigate a new murder case.

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The previous summary of Tomorrow Belongs to Us from Wednesday July 10, 2024 from News Actual is also online.

Also find DNA spoilers until July 26, 2024. Good reading.

Tomorrow Belongs to Us: Summary of the episode of July 11, 2024

Marianne wants to become independent

At the Delcourts, Marianne questions Diego about his last night out with Maud. Embarrassed, he claims to have to go train to end the conversation. After Diego leaves, Marianne explains to Chloé that if she doesn’t give destiny a little push, Diego will never make the first move. Chloé thinks that her mother is trying to set others up to fill her own inner void left by her husband’s death. Annoyed, Marianne deplores that her daughter analyzes everything she says.

Later, at the hospital, Soizic, who is back from vacation, goes to meet Marianne to get news of her, but she is in a bad mood. Marianne confides to Adam’s mother that her daughter annoys her by wanting to analyze everything she does. Soizic thinks that it is time for Marianne to regain her independence. This idea takes a while to make its way into Chloé’s mother’s mind.

At midday, Marianne goes to the Spoon and asks Bart if he has any friends who work in real estate. She wants to sell her house. Since Renaud’s death, she hasn’t felt comfortable at home, and she finds the house too big for her. Bart understands perfectly what she feels. After Louise’s death, everything reminded her of her presence at home. Marianne then sits down at the table and Sébastien joins her for lunch. Sébastien knows a real estate agent who could help her. Marianne is counting on Raphaëlle’s father to give her his opinion on the future properties that will be offered to her.

Meanwhile, Maud is walking on the beach with Diego. She is anxious because the results of the bac will be out in a few hours. They meet Lizzie and Jack at the beach hut who are also waiting for the results. They decide to play a game of beach volleyball together. A few hours later, the results are out. Adam and Amel have joined their classmates to celebrate the start of their new lives. Maud is relieved, she got a very good grade. Jack, meanwhile, although he got a grade, has a hard time celebrating. Lizzie urges him not to let his argument with Rayane ruin his evening.

Bastien rejects Melody

Early in the morning, Mélody asks Georges if he thinks Bastien will ever let her have a place in his life. Georges advises her to give him some time. Then, Mélody confides in her partner how trying the last few months have been. She mentions Bastien’s leukemia in particular. When she heard the news, she immediately went to the hospital to get tested, but unfortunately, they weren’t compatible. Then, Mélody blames herself for having jeopardized her relationship with Georges. Georges is understanding. He knows she was caught in an impossible situation.

Bastien, for his part, confides in Violette about Mélody. In his eyes, she is only his mother. Violette, who had to accept a stranger as his mother, advises him to give her a chance.

Bastien decides to contact Mélody and sets up a meeting with her at the Skatepark. Mélody explains to her son that she has always followed him in a certain way since he was five years old. Bastien asks her why it took her so many years to come and talk to him. Mélody justifies herself by explaining that she really wanted to do it, but that she had made a promise to John. Besides, the more time passed, the more difficult it became to do it. Mélody adds that she wants to get to know him and be there for him. She hopes that one day, he will let her have a place in his life. Bastien replies that in his eyes, she is nothing more than his gym teacher. After Bastien leaves, Mélody bursts into tears.

Is William involved in a murder case?

Bart calls Mona to tell her that he will be late because he has an appointment with the insurance company. Mona then refers to the interview he had with Caroline Leblanc a few days earlier and encourages him not to let it happen. Bart tries to reassure her by explaining that he has an appointment directly with the director of the agency. But as he approaches the agency, he sees the police and emergency services in front of the offices. Aurore comes to meet him and asks him if he knew Mr. Drouet personally, but this is not the case. At the same time, firefighters are transporting a lifeless body. Captain Jacob tells Bart that they will contact him if they have any questions for him. After Bart leaves, Nordine informs Aurore that it was the cleaning lady who found the director of the agency, dead. He was hit on the head. Nordine specifies that he did not see any signs of a break-in. On the other hand, a drawer in Drouet’s office was forced open and his murderer allegedly got hold of a handgun. Aurore asks Nordine to carry out a neighborhood investigation.

Back at the police station, Aurore and Sara take stock of the initial progress of the investigation. According to the medical examiner, Drouet died on Friday*. A blood-stained stapler was found at the agency and the injuries match. It would be the murder weapon. But who could have committed this murder without premeditation? Caroline Leblanc, his colleague and who is nowhere to be found? Sara, for her part, has inquired about her. Caroline was 45 years old. After law school and odd jobs in the region, she joined Drouet’s agency in 1998. She has no criminal record, but on the other hand, she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in 1999. She stayed there for six months. Roxane interrupts them to inform them that Caroline Leblanc died in hospital on Friday of a sudden heart attack.

Aurore goes to Saint-Clair to question William. The latter tells his wife that Caroline had contacted him on Friday afternoon. She had had an anxiety attack and the anti-anxiety medication was no longer working. So he asked Caroline to come by between two appointments. When she arrived, she was pale and holding her heart. While he was installing her in the chair to examine her, she collapsed. He tried to resuscitate her, but in vain. After Aurore leaves, William hurries to delete Caroline’s phone number from his contacts. Does he have something to reproach himself for?

At the police station, the investigation is progressing. Damien has just received the coroner’s report. He informs Aurore and Sara that the latter estimates Drouet’s death at 9 p.m. but Caroline Leblanc died at 6 p.m. So it wasn’t her colleague who killed him. Aurore decides to request an autopsy on Caroline Leblanc.

Moments later, Roxane informs Sara that Drouet was always withdrawing the same amount several times a week. However, these withdrawals do not appear in the agency’s accounting documents. Shortly after, Sara receives a call from Bart. He tells her that he contacted the insurance company’s head office because he had not heard anything about the Little Spoon’s compensation. That’s when he discovered that he was not insured with them, neither for the Spoon nor for the Little Spoon. The contracts he had signed with Drouet are actually fake. Sara concludes that if Drouet defrauded Bart, he could have defrauded other people. She asks Roxane to check the client files. Later, Roxane informs his wife that Drouet had defrauded 1 in 3 clients. He had created a shell company with the same name as his insurance company, except that the bank details go back to an offshore account in the Philippines. Sara hypothesizes that Drouet and Caroline were accomplices, that one of the agency’s clients realized the scam and wanted revenge.

For her part, Aurore goes to the hospital morgue to have Caroline Leblanc’s body transferred to the Medico-Legal Institute, but it has disappeared. A few minutes later, William gives Marianne a hand-filled transport authorization that someone apparently took out of a crate in the consultation room. Caroline’s body was supposedly sent to the Funeral Home. But the paper is illegible. Marianne decides to warn Aurore. William is not feeling very good.

*the days mentioned by the actors do not correspond to the broadcast days, because the series has been canceled several times.

Find “Tomorrow Belongs to Us” from Monday to Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, but also in streaming and replay on the TF1+ platform.



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