Prices are soaring more and more in Wallis and Futuna

Prices are soaring more and more in Wallis and Futuna
Prices are soaring more and more in Wallis and Futuna

In Wallis and Futuna, everyone agrees that the cost of living is getting more expensive. The territory is experiencing a price increase of generally 4%. A very common phenomenon in the territory. Consumers complain, suffer, but nevertheless they put up with it because they have no choice. And the shortage of certain products would accentuate this surge in prices.

Wallis and Futuna in the clutches of the high cost of living. The IEOM figures bear witness to this, the economic situation of the 1st quarter reveals an inflation rate generally increasing by 4% over the last 12 months. For food, prices have increased by 4.6% since last year. This phenomenon weighs more and more on the consumer’s purchasing power.

When I arrived, we were spending around 125,000 xpf, I noticed last month, we went up to 140,000 xpf, for 4 people. I try to include fruits and vegetables for my children. We will stick to rice, chicken, milk, coffee. We try to have dairy products from time to time but it is not easy given the price

The consumer is suffering and is powerless in the face of this inflation. Our team has taken some basic necessities. Roughly for 5 items, the cost is around 4,500 francs. Products that are part of the BQP (quality price shield) system. Their prices have changed but remain within the range desired by the system. Except for laundry detergent, which is very sought after at the moment due to its rarity. From 720 francs, the 1.2L laundry detergent has gone up to more than 4,000 francs.

We set our prices based on the recommended price by General Import. And as the months go by, prices increase in stores, especially basic necessities like chicken, sugar, coffee, and also laundry detergent.

Telesia, employed in a shop

The largest importer did not want to speak to our camera, but specified that he remains an importer. The price displayed on the shelves depends entirely on the retailer. The territory has experienced a shortage of detergent for the last two months. A period so long that the stock deposited this week by the supply ship is already exhausted.

This is the phenomenon of rupture! We create a rupture to increase the price to justify the increase in price, or to justify the change in the quality of the product. I think that the crisis in New Caledonia, the war in Ukraine and many other factors have repercussions on the increase in prices. But not at 200 or 300%.

Boris Gaveau, President of the Association of Consumers, Taxpayers and Citizens

The high cost of living in Wallis and Futuna is a good campaign topic during election periods, but to date, no effective measure adapted to the context of the territory has yet been found.

Report by Sofia Hoatau and Youssra Mahadali.


Malia Fatima Pagatele and Tuliano Talomafaia interviewed some of the population in Futuna.




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