XXL danger for American democracy?

XXL danger for American democracy?
XXL danger for American democracy?

The Supreme Court’s decision on the scope of immunity enjoyed by American presidents, handed down on Monday, is being seen as a gift to Donald Trump. The interpretation proposed by the nine judges has moved the Democratic camp, which sees the risk of justifying a dictatorial exercise of power in the United States. Rightly so?

A “threat to democracy”, a “road map to establish a dictatorship” [aux États-Unis]”. The decision of the American Supreme Court on presidential immunity in the case “Trump v. United States”, rendered on Monday, July 1, remained stuck in the craw of the opponents of the former American president. Almost as much, and even more for some, than the judgment of the nine judges returning, in June 2022, on the federal protection of the right to abortion in the United States.

By a majority of six to three, the US Supreme Court has handed a landslide victory to Donald Trump on the thorny issue of a president’s immunity for potentially illegal acts committed during his term. The Republican candidate for the November 2024 presidential election has welcomed this decision, which has been described as historic by the American media.

“A king above the law”?

Read more on FRANCE 24

Read also:
US: Supreme Court overturns Colorado decision declaring Trump ineligible
United States: Supreme Court agrees to rule on Donald Trump’s criminal immunity
Supreme Court debates Donald Trump’s ineligibility nine months before presidential election



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