Very urgent massive recall throughout France in Leclerc, Auchan, Casino supermarkets, this concerns tapas

Very urgent massive recall throughout France in Leclerc, Auchan, Casino supermarkets, this concerns tapas
Very urgent massive recall throughout France in Leclerc, Auchan, Casino supermarkets, this concerns tapas
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Have you recently shopped at Leclerc, Auchan or Casino? Then don’t miss this announcement. Conso Reminder has just sounded the alarm with a massive emergency recall on a very popular product. So, if this affects you, take action now to avoid unpleasant surprises. Find below all the information you need to know.

Leclerc, Auchan, Casino: products at mini prices

In the current economic context, everyone is looking for the best way to better manage their budget. With inflation, the French are turning to retail giants who know how to bait consumers. They offer products at low prices, thus meeting the expectations of people who are concerned about their purchasing power.

Leclerc, for example, has built its reputation on an aggressive pricing policy. Through its brands, it offers regular promotions and discounts. Auchan is also another retail giant that is banking on attractive prices. Casino and Action are also among the brands that have experienced a meteoric rise.

Beyond the low prices, it is the product diversity which makes the charm of these large retailers. Whether in the food, DIY or decoration sections, everyone finds something for them.

To have
Massive recall at Leclerc, Auchan and Intermarché due to listeria contamination in these chickens and guinea fowls

Products that are not often trusted

If the products of large distributions enjoy a reputation for qualitythis is unfortunately not always the case. Several items sold in these stores are already subject to a recall measure by the health authorities.

Take the example of Coca-Cola Cherry distributed by B&M. The inner coating of the can contains phenoxy resin, a substance harmful to health. The government has also issued a call for vigilance on a chicken sold throughout France. Their trays are contaminated with Listeriaa bacteria that can cause serious infections.

And the list doesn’t stop there! On July 1st, via the Rappel Conso website, the authorities warned against a very popular product. The worst part of all this, large, busy stores like Leclerc, Auchan and Casino sold this item.

A dangerous Leclerc product

So what is this product that health authorities are warning about? It is called tapas on sale at Leclerc, Casino or AuchanThese delicious bites, often appreciated for their varied flavors, actually hide an invisible danger for a part of the population.

Authorities have sounded the alarm, recommending not to consume this product because of the associated risks. Indeed, it has substances allergisantesincluding gluten allergens. However, these elements represent a danger for people suffering from intolerance or allergies.

To have
Urgent product recall in all Leclerc supermarkets due to contamination, it concerns ham

The major problem? The packaging doesn’t display this crucial information. The absence of mention of allergens on labeling thus exposes consumers to serious risks.

What you need to do

So if you recently bought tapas at Leclerc, Auchan or Casino, don’t eat them! Return them to the point of sale where you purchased them. To identify the product, here is the information you need to know:

– Product category: Food;
– Product subcategory: Fishery and aquaculture products;
– Product brand name: Miti;
– Names of models or references: Tapas tray;
– Product identification: 3760070013023;
– Packaging: 200g;
– Geographical area of ​​sale: whole of France.

Of course, you are entitled to a full refundand don’t hesitate to ask for it. Don’t wait, because this recall ends on July 10, 2024.

Moreover, this mishap reminds us of the importance of read labels and to remain vigilant about your purchases. Finally, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the authorities.



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