A beautiful day for the Saint-Jean fire

A beautiful day for the Saint-Jean fire
A beautiful day for the Saint-Jean fire

Saint-Vénérand. At the St. John’s fire in St. Vénérand. On Saturday, June 22, the municipality, residents, the Saint-Vernon seniors’ club and members of Tourisme en Pays de Cayres Pradelles (TPCP) joined forces to organize the Saint-Jean fire.

The afternoon began with a hike along the lush, well-maintained trails of the local countryside. About thirty hikers turned out despite the uncertain weather.

Around 6:30 p.m. and after the mass, the guests gathered to share a glass of friendship offered by the municipality. To brighten up this wine of honor, a few singers animated the evening.

Given the uncertainty of the weather, Élie Fraisse, mayor, invited everyone to have dinner inside the town hall.

The chief magistrate and Dominique Béguin, president of TPCP, welcomed this pleasant initiative of a friendly meeting and planned to repeat the experience.

More than 60 people then shared the excellent meal efficiently served by the volunteers. The guests particularly appreciated and savored the gardiane de taureau, prepared wonderfully.

Around 10 p.m., Élie Fraisse lit the imposing pile of wood provided by a villager. The flames warmed the spectators and everyone made a nice circle around the fire. However, no one dared to jump over it!

The evening ended with thunderous applause, leaving the fire and embers to ward off passing witches, as is customary.



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