2024 Legislative Elections: “We need an absolute majority,” announces Marine Le Pen (RN)

2024 Legislative Elections: “We need an absolute majority,” announces Marine Le Pen (RN)
2024 Legislative Elections: “We need an absolute majority,” announces Marine Le Pen (RN)

“As a political leader, I welcome the high participation which gives particular strength to this evening’s result,” declared the former president of the National Rally. The French have, thus, in an unambiguous vote, testified to their desire to turn the page after seven years of contemptuous and corrosive power. We warmly thank the voters and welcome this result, the first step towards a choice of alternation as a mark of confidence which honors and obliges us. I particularly have a thought for the voters of the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais who are doing me the honor of electing me this evening. »

“Nothing is won and the second round will be decisive”

“However, nothing is won and the second round will be decisive,” added the last candidate of the National Rally in the presidential election. “Decisive to prevent the country from falling into the hands of the Nupes 2 coalition whose most activist elements of LFI and NPA will impose Jean-Luc Mélenchon as Prime Minister. Decisive above all to give Jordan Bardella an absolute majority in the National Assembly to launch the recovery of France and the reestablishment of unity and national harmony as early as next week.”

For his part, Jordan Bardella, who spoke in Paris, intends to “be a Prime Minister of cohabitation, respectful of the Constitution” but “uncompromising”



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