Near Guingamp. Eloane, 17, rebuilds herself after her terrible motorcycle accident

Near Guingamp. Eloane, 17, rebuilds herself after her terrible motorcycle accident
Near Guingamp. Eloane, 17, rebuilds herself after her terrible motorcycle accident


Editorial Guingamp

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 12:16 p.m.

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Big shock for Maryse and Pascal Herviou on this Sunday morning in July 2023, synonymous with the Feast of Pardon of the Isle for the inhabitants of Goudelin (Côtes-d’Armor).

Eloane was unable to return home, the victim of an accident with his motorbike a few hundred meters away.

Eloane suffered a serious spinal cord injury, which now leaves her without the use of her legs.

After the University Hospital in Brest and Trestelit is now in the Kerpape center, in Lorientthat it rebuilds itself.

Parents proud of their daughter’s courage

“I’m fine, I’m just sitting!” This is Eloane’s frank and direct answer when asked how she is. “That’s just her! We warned you that with her character, she is direct,” her parents tell us.

Their eyes are bright, full of pride and admiration for their daughter, but also a little sadness and anxiety in the face of all the trials they have experienced over the past year and those still to come.

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With her youth and wanting to enjoy life and every moment, Eloane tells us that over the past year she has done lots of things that would have seemed inaccessible to her before, such as surfing, microlighting and buggying.

Eloane manages to get back on her motorbike, of which she is so proud, “all by herself”. ©L’Echo

Jokingly, she quickly goes over her helicopter baptism: it was in the SAMU helicopter and she doesn’t remember much…

She enjoys being in Kerpape where “time flies!” Kerpape it is also the care and rehabilitation sessions. If she has lost her legs, she is fully relaunching the rest of her body, already broken before the accident, with physical exercise with years of dancing, swimming and football. This former sportiness largely explains her progress over the past year.

Regarding her future, Eloane wants to continue her studies in interior design and furniture. Her “first project” is underway, which is preparing her armchair.

Every detail counts. Currently it is under discussion to add a motorized wheel in front. She wants the handles in front of her, not behind. She likes to do things “alone”.

“This noise, this smell of exhaust, that’s what I like”

“No, all alone”, that’s what we hear ourselves saying with Maryse and Pascal, after Eloane, who has already convinced her “dad” to bring out her motorbike and then approach it to photo, decides to go back on it.

The three adults just have to make sure she doesn’t fall. And she succeeds, all senses alert, to look at every detail of her machine, listen to the engine and smell the exhaust gases when she turns the handle. Refusal of “papou” for the next step, engage a gear.

No problem for Eloane, she has already spoken to us and shown us on her mobile that converted motorcycles “exist now!”

Motorcycling is truly a passion for her. Moreover, she set up with the Kerpape team a motorcycle baptism project for the residents. It will be the first of July in Lorient.

Always caring parents in front of the house and its first equipment, a ramp, which allows Eloane to access the entrance in a wheelchair. ©L’Echo

If “En Avant” suits him well because of his passion for the Guingamp team, “droit au but” also sums up his state of mind well.

It is also in Marseille that she will experience a next big moment for her. With the help of Kerpape staff, she managed to get a ticket for the Jul concert in May 2025 at the Vélodrome.

If there are many good moments with family or friends, like this return to the club at L’Étrier with the friends who carried the chair up the stairs, Eloane experiences moments of pain and questions that she wishes to keep for herself.

She wants to stay strong with the parents, François, the professional firefighter big brother who would like to come back to the area and Alexia, the big sister who, after professional experiences all over the world, settled near Lorient.

“Forward Eloane”

Eloane and her parents appreciate the solidarity that has developed around them. “The creation of the association by our friends and acquaintances is good so that we don’t have to manage the money directly, because of the bad tongues” Maryse and Pascal specify with modesty.

Each project to make Eloane’s life and independence easier is synonymous with 4 or 5 figure amounts.

The chair costs 15,000 euros, of which only 1,400 are covered by Social Security.

At 18, autonomy will also depend on the car which will have to be adapted. For her armchair, Eloane also thought about this near future. It will be manageable by itself to store it in the car.

Eloane appreciates all the actions carried out around her, but as direct as ever, she clarifies two points. The first: she is not an object of fair and her bruised body does not like those who try to touch her.

The second: “The first simple and inexpensive action to help the disabled is to leave their parking spaces free,” she concludes.

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