Direct. Legislative 2024. Follow the first day of elections in the Channel

Direct. Legislative 2024. Follow the first day of elections in the Channel
Direct. Legislative 2024. Follow the first day of elections in the Channel


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 9:37 a.m.
; updated June 30, 2024 at 10:07 a.m.

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This Sunday June 30, 2024 marks the first round of early legislative elections across France. Journalists and correspondents from The Channel Press are working to follow the unfolding of this politically important day live.

This Sunday, and the next, the French will choose who will bet their 577 representatives in the National Assembly for the next five years.

The people of Manche will choose from 28 candidate pairs to allocate four seats, which correspond to the four constituencies of the department: Carentan-Saint-Lô, Avranches-Granville, Valognes-Coutances et Cherbourg- La Hague-Val de Saire.

The outgoing MPs, elected in 2022, are Philippe Gosselin (LR), Bertrand Sorre (Renaissance), Stéphane Travert (Renaissance) and Anna Pic (PS). Here is everything you need to know about the candidates, proxies and outgoing MPs.

9:30 a.m.: Staff are busy welcoming voters

In Saint-Jean-de-la-Rivière (Manche), just like in the Barneville-Carteret gymnasium (Manche) – where Barneville plage, Barneville Bourg and Carteret are united – voters are welcomed.

Good humor is the order of the day in Saint-Jean-de-la-Rivière (Manche). ©Chantal LECLERC
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It is in a gymnasium that some residents of Barneville-Carteret (Manche) go to vote, this Sunday, June 30, 2024. ©Chantal LECLERC

8:00 a.m.: Opening of polling stations in La Manche

From 8 a.m. this morning until 6 p.m. this evening, polling stations will be open throughout the Channel.

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