Trump’s Lies and Putin’s ‘Dream’

Trump’s Lies and Putin’s ‘Dream’
Trump’s Lies and Putin’s ‘Dream’

Donald Trump made more than 30 false statements during the first presidential debate, according to CNN’s fact-checker. In a rambling foreign policy rant, he said there had been no acts of terror in the United States during his presidency and that Iran had stopped funding terrorist groups under his administration. Both lies. But he made at least one statement that it’s unclear whether it was true or false.

Trump made the statement after denouncing the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. “Putin saw that, he said, you know what, I think we’re going to go there and maybe take my… That was his dream. I talked to him about it, it was his dream,” he said, speaking about Ukraine and Russia’s invasion of this country in February 2022?

Did Vladimir Putin really tell Trump about his intention to invade Putin? Or did Trump make this story up?

Historian Heather Cox Richardson focuses on this statement in a text where she recalls the “peace” plan that Paul Manafort circulated within the Trump campaign team in 2016, a plan that would have given in to Russia part of Ukraine. Read, if only to refresh your memory of this strange episode.

(Photo AP)

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