“It’s a terrible tragedy”, the mother placed in police custody

A girl as young as 6 has died after falling from the fourth floor of her apartment building. The child fell out of a window after her mother left the house, prompting authorities to take her into custody.

After learning of the death of a 6-year-old girl during rehearsals for her end-of-year party in Tarn-et-Garonne, our colleagues at France 3 Burgundy-Franche-Comté reveal a new drama that occurred on Wednesday June 26 in the evening. A child of the same age lost her life after making a fall from the fourth floor of his building, where she resided with her mother and other sisters. The accident took place around 8:15 p.m., in the Messier-Stade district of the commune of Luxeuil-les-Bains (Haute-Saône) which is located northwest of Montbéliard. It was the neighborhood who rushed to her side – injured – having realized that she had gone through the window after hearing screams. The emergency services quickly dispatched to the scene were unfortunately unable to revive her.

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What most concerns the authorities is theabsence of the mother in the apartment at the time of the events. Which explains why the neighbors intervened… According to the first elements of the investigation detailed in a press release from the Vesoul public prosecutor’s office published on June 27, “the 6-year-old girl was at the family home in the presence only of her 4-year-old sister and her 3-year-old niece”. It is stipulated that “the 37-year-old mother left the apartment around 6:10 p.m. with another of her daughters aged 12”.

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An open investigation, children placed

Our colleagues confirm thatan autopsy must be performed on the victim on Friday June 28, and also that “The prosecution has requested that child welfare services take charge and provide support for the children”. This follows the placement in police custody of the mother pour “aggravated abandonment of a minor”. “The prosecution is considering referring the matter to an investigating judge at the end of police custody.”we add, while the investigation was entrusted to the Lure research brigade and the community of brigades of Luxeuil-les-Bains.

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The mayor of the town wanted to express his sorrow following this accident. Frédéric Burghard “is working on setting up a psychological unit which he hopes will be operational from Friday”dit-on. “This Wednesday evening, his deputy Loïc Laborie was on site as well as agents who came to bring coffee to support everyone”in the district of Messier-Stade bereaved, which is described as ‘political’. “1,200 people live there out of a total population of 7,000 Luxovians. The population density is high. Such an event shocked everyone”we are told. It is a catastrophe, a terrible tragedy.declared the elected official for his constituents.

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Domestic accidents kill 200 children per year

France 3 Burgundy-Franche-Comté suggests that significant work is also being done within the primary school in Bois de la Dame where the girl was enrolled. “Psychologists were present. Every student and every teacher was able to confide within the school.”it was heard.

These tragedies that we tend to qualify as news items are unfortunately not rare. According to data collected by Santé Publique France, everyday accidents are responsible for more than 200 deaths of children under 15 each year in the country. The prevention efforts that the State intends to pursue must “target falls as a priority”as in the case of this little girl, who are the “the most frequent accidents that can lead to serious injuries, such as head trauma”. “They must also target toxic accidents and asphyxia/suffocation accidents, due to their severity.”we conclude


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